Chapter Ten

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      I move my pasta around my plate, already having picked out all the chicken.  Kelly was right about one thing, the food here is amazing.  Chicken Florentine is also one of my favorite meals.  However, as per usual these days, I am just not that hungry. 
     Kelly and my mom are talking now about policies, procedures and such.  I am only half paying attention as I push my food around my plate, trying to will myself to eat more.  We had left the room without another word from my ray of sunshine roommate and by the time we got down-stairs the boy with the haunting eyes and his semi-scary mother were nowhere to be seen.
     Thankfully, Kelly had also been telling the truth about the paperwork not taking too long.  My mother had done the brunt of it online when she had first found the place.  It had only been the second one she had looked at.  It was a little further than the other, but she got a "good" feeling about this place she had said.  I, however, was still not so sure.  Especially with all these rules and regulations.  I was not the biggest rebel, but that was with a forgiving mother when I broke curfew on a constant basis.  I had a feeling these people would not be so forgiving.
     I had now completely tuned out the two women who sat by me, my mother across me and Kelly to my left.  The door to the cafeteria lay to my right.  I aimlessly looked in its direction as I imagined what my life was going to look like in this place.  Then I saw him.  His hat was no longer on his head and a green and white button-up shirt hid his defined muscles more than the t-shirt had, but it was the boy from when I had first arrived.  Mr. sad eyes himself.  Only his eyes did not look so sad, they looked an even more bright jade green than earlier.  Not only were they the most piercing green eyes I had ever seen, but they were looking right at me.

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