Chapter Sixteen

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I wake feeling the strain and ache in eyes that have been crying a good part of the night. My mind fuzzy from the dreams I fought to keep at bay. Fuck, I am still in this foreign place. I lean on my elbows willing my eyes to work and my head to clear. I notice my roommate's bed is empty and been made already. Making our bed and keeping the room clean are part of earning points to get privileges around here. It appears my roommate does care after all, at least enough to make her bed. Maybe she has someone she wishes to make a phone call to. It is at this exact moment I realize that I do not. I do not have anyone I wish to make a phone call to, well maybe my mom. I pinch the bridge of my nose and squeeze my eyes shut tight. I take in a breath and hold it there.
I need to fix this. I need to fix my life. Of course,w I feel this way now, but I am sure in no time I will want to give up again. I glance at the clock, 8:42. Well, I never really did care for breakfast anyway. But I did still have to meet with Kelly at nine.
I drag my body out of bed to get ready.  It feels like lead and my stomach feels as if it has rocks rolling around in it. Well, here we go... either this will be my new beginning or the beginning of the end for me. I make my way downstairs. My black sweatpants feeling more loose than usual as I walk. I just do not feel the need to put effort into my appearance these days. With my black sweatpants I chose a black tank top as well. Dark colors for a dark day. Then I laugh to myself. I really laughed out loud. My whole entire wardrobe was basically black, sure I had some blues and army greens in there, but all dark. When did that happen? When did I close out the light?
"What is so funny? Did you crash into someone else?" I am greeted with that accent... that accent and... a smile?
"Oh... umm... yeah, sorry about that." I am at a loss for words.  What the hell is happening to me?  I never lose my words like this around some guy.  Some guy I do not even know and once I have left here will never see again in my life none the less.
"No worries love," he says. Today he wears another white t-shirt and khaki pants. He looks incredible.  So good, so clean, and so pure. It is making me feel a certain way that I do not recognize, and I both love it and hate it at the same time.
     It takes all I have but I gather my composure. "Name is Katrina." I smile back at him.
     "Oh, I did not mean any offense, I call everyone love."  He defends himself.
      I giggle.  He is adorable, and I bet he does not even realize the trouble he could be.  "I know... I have seen an English movie or two.  I was just letting you know my name.  The least I can do after bumping into you I suppose."  I continue to smile at him.  I could almost swear I see him blush.
"I am Scott, nice to meet you, Katrina." With that I silently love him for not calling me Kat.

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