Chapter Thirty

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As I headed into my second week at Stone Gates my second therapy session was fast approaching. I never talked about the events that lead to me coming to Stone Gates with Jazzie or Scott. I never even allowed myself to think them while alone if I could help it. Only at night, when my thoughts could not be controlled would I see his face and hear the sadistic call in the dark... 'Kitty Kat'. To my great embarrassment Nia had heard me having my nightmare twice now. I think she even began to feel sorry for me because she no longer teased me, or even gave me those scowls I had become used to. The story that Scott was dead set on not having a girlfriend had made its way around. If that was not enough, his mother had visited twice already, clearly not following the two-week rule. No girl wanted to deal with that woman, not even Jazzie and me, we steered clear during her visits. Nia even began to steer clear of the two of us, losing interest I suppose. She had moved on to a new boy that arrived just two days ago... Carl I believe was his name. They had even sat together at lunch and dinner. Things were calm all around.
I missed my mom, but not seeing her made me feel less guilty and like the piece of shit I had been feeling like. That would be approaching soon too... my family therapy session was scheduled one week from my second session I would be having with Kelly tomorrow. I sat more quiet at dinner that night as Jazzie and Scott argued over who had played the best Bat man. I know they noticed my silence, but in this friendship, we did not talk about such things. I still had no idea why either one of them were here. It was an unsaid understanding that we had. They did know that I had my session tomorrow. They did not call me out on it, only continued their lighthearted banter. As we exited the dining hall neither one condemned me for leaving a full plate. I was beginning to cherish their friendship more than they could know. But still, neither one could protect me from what was to come. We each headed back to our cabins. Scott and I walked in silence to ours.
"Listen, I am going to head back to my room early."
"I understand... but I have something to show you tomorrow. Can we meet by the bench after your session?"
"Sure." I smiled a half smile before retreating to my room. Well, at least I had a distraction now. What in the world could Scott possibly have to show me?

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