Chapter Twenty-Three

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     I immediately regretted my reaction as I heard footsteps coming toward the Rec room.  Kelly burst in, panic clearly on her face.  "I am so sorry Kelly."  I said this right away. "I was so involved in my book I did not hear Scott enter the room. I just got startled is all."
"Are you okay?" The way Kelly asked this was as if she knew... as if she knew that secret which I had been holding deep inside. Deep in that part of the brain that would not even allow me to admit the truth. But she could not know... could she?!
"I am fine. I said that already." I dropped the book suddenly, without even saving the page I had been reading only moments ago. Was I not going to get enough inquiry tomorrow? "I am going to get some air before curfew."
I walked straight out of the building without looking at either Kelly or Scott. I made my way to the smoking section. I had quit the same time I had stopped drinking. I had never liked it all that much anyway, not as much as I enjoyed drinking. I just did it to pass the time. It was better than having to talk around a bunch of people that I could feel judging me anyway.  Judging the tease. But now I felt myself craving a cigarette. To feel the burn of the smoke paired with the cool mint of the menthol. Just to feel something physically that would take my mind off all the other thoughts swirling around in my head, threatening to take root, grow and fester inside.
I debated asking someone for a cigarette, but as I rounded the corner no one was there anyway. It was probably for the best. I am sure they would just report that to my mom if I were to be spotted smoking.
I sucked in the night air. What the hell was I doing here? I was going to start smoking again and making steps backwards? Suddenly, I felt relieved no one was there. I could still go for a drink though, I thought to myself. No harm in that right? I mean, even woman of sophistication indulged in a glass of wine or two sometimes, right? I thought this even though deep down I knew dam well a liter of vodka and a glass of wine were nowhere near the same thing.
"You dropped this." Mmm, that voice. This time I did not scream. This time I decided I would 'Carpe diem', as they say. I was going to seize the day and seize this moment. I finally had my moment alone with Scott, and I was going to make it count.

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