Chapter Forty

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Nia and I were separate for a good part of the day, as everyone had different schedules of chores. When lunch time came around, we decided to skip it and hangout in the Rec room instead. Each building had a vending machine, so Nia grabbed some Doritos, and I grabbed some vanilla cookies, viola lunch was served. I know Doritos are a teenage staple, but I could just never get into them.
"You are crazy girl, these things are awesome, almost up there with pizza and a cold beer." This was Nia's response when I shared my distaste of the cheesy chips.
"They just do not do it for me." I said this, shrugging my shoulders. "I will agree with the pizza and beer though." I smiled.
"Hey, you know," Nia said, "you really are alright."
I smiled at her. I was beginning to think she was alright too. Then I thought of something else I had wanted to know about but never had the nerve to ask. "Hey Nia, if you don't mind me asking, what was the deal with you and Jazzie?"
"Simple," Nia stated, "she slept with the only boy I ever loved, while we were together, and she was supposed to be my friend at the time."
"I think she was somehow trying to make up for what she did to me by helping you to get with Scott. But the damage between us is already done. I mean, I'm past it. This was last year, but I could never be friends with her again."
Everything made a lot more sense now. Slightly cautious to add fuel to fire I had to ask one more question. "Any idea what happened to her anyway? She just disappeared."
"She did not disappear Katrina. She just went home. We got here at the same time. One night when we were out partying, I confronted her... a huge fight ensued, things escalated and poof, we both end up here."
"Oh wow." I said, not really knowing what else to say. "But wait..." I realized, "how come you are still here?"
"Her parents probably yanked her out. She has money, I do not. Plain and simple as that." Nia said this all very plain and to the point. I guess Nia saw I needed more because she continued. "Listen, I am not saying she was the worst person in the world, but Jazzie can turn on people for no reason. It is not even really her fault, it is just kind of how her parents are and so she is too. But who knows, maybe she will change."
I thought about this. The more I found out about people it seemed the less I knew, and I did not know who to trust. "How long were you friends?" Maybe that would shed some perspective on how much of Nia's word I should believe when it came to Jazzie. She was my first friend here after all, and when I needed one the most.
"Since kindergarten... but honestly we began to grow apart as soon as we got into high school. We just grew into different people. We both started hanging out in different crowds.  Then she slept with Jake... that was his name... and I just could not forgive her after that. I mean, I am past it, but I cannot forgive her as in be friends with her ever again." Nia paused, as if questioning what to say next or lost in her own thoughts. "You know, I was not sure what to make of you when you first arrived, then you became friends with her and I did not like you, but I could see after a while that you are different. You are okay Katrina."
"Well, I will cheers to that." I smiled and held up a cookie. Nia promptly held up a chip as we clanged them together. We smiled at each other, and for the first time I noticed Nia had dimples. She did not look so scary after all. But then she asked a question that I hated to even think about.
"I have to ask, why do you hate being called Kat? I feel like your name is so long."
"That is because your name is three letters." I answered.
"And you are completely evasive." Nia replied.
"A guy used to call me that... a guy I do not want to talk about." I felt my cheeks flush. Nia must have caught on that this was a sore subject because she changed the topic immediately.
"So, what is up with you and Mr. green eyes anyway." Nia smiled and raised brow up and down.
"Oh, my goodness, that is what I called him before I knew his name!" I spat. Nia and I grew into a fit of laughter only fit for teenage girls.
As we sat trying to catch our breath Nia said, "But seriously, what is up? I saw you guys hanging out."
"Yeah, we are just friends." I said, "he does not date.  How about that Carl guy?"
     Nia blushed, and then went on to tell me all about Carl, only about half of which I heard as my thoughts drifted back and forth to Scott.

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