Chapter Forty-One

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*This chapter reveals the assault on Katrina, it is fairly graphic and could be upsetting to anyone who has been through a similar situation. If something like this happens to you remember, it is not your fault! Confide in someone you trust, talk it through and get help ❤️
The topic of Carl dwindled down, and Nia and I talked about basic things for the rest of the night... movies, music, books and even family. I learned Nia lives with her mom just as I do, only she does know her dad. However, she revealed she sees him less and less these days. Her mom is  "okay" as Nia put it, but "does not really get her or being a teenager at all." Even though Nia's appearance is sort of punk meets Emo, Nia is into a variety of music and movies just as I am. She is also into other books, but her recent passion has been the way the human mind works. She even said being here has made her want to be a therapist even more than before. Though, she admitted she still had a slight problem with authority.
"Yeah I totally get that. I mean I am mostly good kid, but I have a problem with people telling me what to do sometimes. I can have a bit of a temper at times."
"I cannot picture that." Nia says and smiles. We are now back in the room, and it is almost time to turn the light out.
"I think it is because I am a Gemini," I say. "On one hand I can be super sweet, and then something will set me off and my temper takes over. I swear sometimes it is like my attitude has a mind of its own."
The room has become silent. I look over at Nia and she is fast asleep. I smile to myself. She really is okay. But now that she is asleep, I am left to my own thoughts. I wonder if my aunt will come tomorrow. I wonder what Scott is doing. I wonder why I did not see him today. Soon the darkness takes over and I drift off to sleep.
"No!" I shout, my body thrashing about. "I said don't touch me!" In the darkness I feel his hands slipping down my panties, touching me where no one ever should without permission.  He hooks his fingers and tears my panties off in one motion, not being gentle about it at all.  His nails graze and sting my skin as he does.  His breath is hot and smells of beer, it reminds me of soured milk, and I want to vomit. His heavy body is pressed up against mine in the small shack. "Kitty-Kat come on" he says. "Let me taste your kitty-cat. Just a little taste. You know you want me to." I say no again, but I can feel his fingers slide in me. Two of his fingers are inside of me, and he is being so rough, his nails scratching my tender skin. His dirty fingers have invaded me. I feel paralyzed. Just as I feel as if I will die right there, he removes his fingers. "Don't fucking move." He slurs this, sweat beading his forehead. Then he starts to take off his pants. This is not happening. Not here, not now, not like this. He is now exposed. Now is my chance. I muster all the energy I have, though the alcohol which I have consumed has slowed my movements. I kick him as hard as I can. It gets the job done. "You bitch! You are a fucking tease! You bitch!" He yells, grabbing himself, and I run. I leave my panties behind that he tore off me, thankfully my skirt is still on, so I am not completely exposed. The shack is not too far from my house, and I run all the way there. I am sweating and panting as I reach my house, tears have stained my face and blurred my vision, and then I feel a hand on my arm.
Wait. I am home, safe. Who is touching me? I open my eyes. I am not home, I am back at Stone Gates, and even in the darkness I can see the concern on Nia's face. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"He always invades my dreams. I wish he would go away already. I cannot even speak his name... what he did..." The tears are flowing down my face, soaking my cheeks.
Nia tentatively sits beside me on the bed. "You were raped, weren't you?"
"He tried. I can still feel his hands on me every time I close my eyes."
"You fought back?" Nia asked.
"I kicked him... hard. Then I ran. The next day I burnt down the shed where it happened, and now I am here."
"You are here to get help. You know Kelly was assaulted. She is a good person to talk to. I have been seeing her for five months and she really helped me." Nia grew quiet. "I have not been completely honest with you."
My expression started to change to anger. I just bared my soul, and this girl has not even been honest with me? Nia continued to talk. "I have not lied, I just did not share the whole story. After the fight with Jasmine, we were both arrested. My parents left me in there overnight to 'teach me a lesson'. I was so pissed I went out the next night and got really drunk. I mean I could not even walk. This guy offered me a ride. I barely remember having sex with him. To be honest I do not even remember if I said no." My mouth hung open. I did not know what to say. "It messed me up though. My parents knew something was wrong, even though they did not know about what happened.  But Katrina... I tried to take my own life.  I will not get into that detail but the next day I came here, and I found out Jazzie had come here as well soon after I arrived. I am assuming the last straw was our fight for her parents, but I know she had some other things going on. But, like I told you before, we had grown apart, and we did not speak unless it was to insult each other the whole time here."
     Nia's confession made my head spin as I laid my head back down to sleep.  Maybe I was not so alone in this battle I had been having within myself after all. Perhaps there were others out there, others that could understand and not judge me because of what has happened to me.

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