Chapter Thirteen

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My eyes shoot open so fast I feel a twinge of pain shooting behind my eye socket. My mouth is dry, but my forehead and neck are soaked with sweat. I look around in a daze, bringing my hand to my forehead. When did I fall asleep? I must have walked right into the room and collapsed on top of the bed. My things still sat piled by the dresser untouched. Thankfully, my roommate was not in the room right now. I looked at the clock. It was ten minutes after eight. I had passed out for about two hours. Somehow, HE had found his way into my head.
Is this what this place is going to be about? A constant battle of my demons. I shook my head, shaking away my dream and trying to clear my head. Just then Nia walked back into the room. She glanced my way, but I only lowered my head. Trying to hide the fact that I had just had a mini breakdown.
Nia rolls her eyes and sits on her bed, picking up her book and beginning to read once again. I glance her way and notice she has a ton of books on her dresser. Among them I can see The great pretender, Shades of blue, and The upside if being down. What was with this girl? That was some depressing reading material. Of course, I had not actually read any of these books, but I was sort of familiar with them. Then I thought of the one book I had brought with me. Little girl lost by Drew Barrymore and Todd Gold. Maybe I should not be so quick to judge.
Suddenly I needed to be out of this room. Since it was a communal bathroom, we had I made my way there to splash my face and collect myself. In the bathroom I did not even look at my reflection. I could not even stand the sight of myself anymore. Lucky for me I had clear skin and low maintenance hair these days. The upside of not eating fast food all summer and chopping off my hair. I had also not had a dink in a few weeks, since the night my mother had decided I needed help beyond what she could give to me. I had been on lock down since that night. Not that it mattered. I did not really have any friends anymore. I had not even talked to Alyssa in weeks. We have been best friends since the first grade, and this was the longest since then that we had gone without talking.
I had nobody, except my own thoughts. That was just too scary for me to accept right now. I decided as a distraction to wander around my new surroundings. I could not leave the cabin at this time. But why not check out this Rec room. I was not exactly even sure what was in a Rec room. I had heard of houses having a Rec room. But certainly not the tiny apartment my mother and I lived in.
I padded down the stairs slowly and cautiously. Slowly I made my way to the office. "Umm, excuse me." I spoke softly. "I was just going to check out the Rec room."
It was the same woman that had been here when I had first arrived. She smiled at me now. Nothing like the demeanor when I had seen her for the first time. "Of course, you can darling. But remember, lights out ten o'clock sharp." I smiled and nodded.
I turned on my heels sharply, crashing right into a solid, much taller body.

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