𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

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Taehyung is thinking, what did he do wrong? Jungkook has been acting weird the whole day. Not even saying goodbye in the morning before leaving for practice. In his mind, he did nothing wrong. He had the day off today, and his boyfriend would come back very soon. He only had dance practice, then he came back to their shared apartment. Jumping slightly, Taehyung reached for his phone that was on the nightstand quickly, wanting to see if it was a text from his lover. It wasn't. But the person still brought a smile to his face.

My baby bear 💞🐻 : I miss you, when are you going to visit?

Taehyung's little sister he adored. The stereotype of older brothers and sisters hating their siblings is not always true, he loved her so much. Anyone could misinterpret the name, but he made sure to correct people. Just as he was about to answer, he heard the door click. The love of his life was home. Jungkook came into the room, glanced at Taehyung, spared him a nod, and walked into the bathroom. Taehyung heard the water running, and stood there frozen. Something was wrong. A talk was necessary.

Taehyung put the phone down, waiting patiently as Jungkook finished his shower. He didn't feel when his eyelids got heavier and he fell asleep. His love entering only two minutes later.

JK focus~

The younger entered the room, only to see a piece of art laying calmly on the bed. His features both sharp and soft at the same time. He knew he was being a dick, he knew his lover realized something was wrong. Taehyung never cared how sweaty and stinky he was, he demanded a kiss before his shower. Taehyung liked a kiss before he had to leave for his classes. But he had been avoiding doing all those things. The reason? Stupid, and childish. He knew that. But at the same time, he couldn't help it. Jungkook knew damn well Taehyung would never cheat on him, their love was way too strong, even after 6 years of dating they never got tired of the other. It was the complete opposite, their love grew stronger every day. Wanting more of the other as the time went by, treasuring even the most stupid things. He knew. But he was still jealous.

Maybe he had been staring for too long, and his boyfriend, being the light sleeper that he is, woke up. They stared into each other's eyes, getting lost into the millions of stars, a small part of the galaxy they held. Jungkook snapped back into reality first, which was never the case, but right now he couldn't afford to just wrap his arms around his boyfriend like he wanted to do. He had to be strong. For what? He doesn't know. He wants to know who the fuck "My baby bear 💞🐻" is.

As if he just didn't let his front down for a little bit, he turned around and walked back to the living room. Instead of being an actual adult, he settled for being a bratty baby like he usually was. Turning on the TV, and attempting to pay attention to whatever the hell was playing. He didn't last long, as Taehyung walked into the room, taking his attention as always. Jungkook both loved and hated that his love had this effect on him. His body still facing the TV, but the corner of his eyes saw how Taehyung went behind him. Knowing exactly what he was going to do, he braced himself. Not wanting to lose his shit and just kiss him right there. His breath hitched as a pair of arms wrapped around him, a breath faintly hitting his neck.

"Baby, I wanna talk to you." He heard Taehyung whisper to him. Leaning over him and grabbing the remote, getting his wrist grabbed by Jungkook.
"Talk about what? I don't see what about, babe. I'm sure you would prefer to speak to your baby bear." He replied, his voice cold. He was dying on the inside, wanting nothing more than just speak and solve everything, knowing well that whoever baby bear was, they weren't a threat to their love. He wanted to be bratty.

"What? I won't stop talking to my little sister, Jungkook." The aforementioned was shocked for two reasons, one, Taehyung never called him by his full name unless he was upset or worse. Two, he didn't know Tzuyu had gotten a phone. He wanted her phone number as well, he was his little sister, and hopefully uncle in the future.

"Excuse me, now. Tzuyu has a phone and nobody told me? I want to talk to her too!" Jungkook whined, surprising Taehyung. But he found it cute regardless.

"You didn't give me a good morning kiss, or the one when you come back home. I thought it was something else. I still don't get why you get jealous, I love you more than anything. You should know that by now, baby." Taehyung explained. Sitting close to Jungkook so he could cuddle him.

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