LawLight - Strawberry Pocky With Whipped Creamed Filling - 🖲

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I wanted to make this, but my friend also requested LawLight, which is fun to write. Oh, Transss_Boiii , since I'm too lazy to reply normally, I just found you on every single fanfiction I read, so I just followed you eventually.

This is an AU where L decided instead of keeping Light in contempt, L just put handcuffed each other. Light doesn't really act like 'Emo, Smarter Than You, Light' since I honestly think he's the kind of person to fuck around during a serious project.

L was bored to the least. He had no more leads to confirm Light Yagami was indeed Kira. He need solid evidence. Which was impossible to say the le-

"Hey L." He heard someone speak from aside him.

"Oh, what is it Yagami-kun?" L replied, not looking away from his work.

"What's in that box beside you?" Light pointed at a pastel pink box.

"Oh, it's pocky made by Watari. It's filled with whip cream." L murmured, glancing at the box.

"May I have some?"

'Oh hell no.'

"I'm sorry, but I'm saving those." L muttered, looking at Light for the first time since they started speaking.

"Oh c'mon, a single pocky stick won't kill you, right?" Light chuckled, spinning in his chair childishly. He didn't completely turn around, not wanting to kill L in person.

"Well, no-"

"Then c'mon!"

"Light-kun, we have work to do, please." L scowled.

'I need to prove your a murderer, not that your an innocent teenager who will hug anyone for a pocky stick.'

"Please~." Light said, dragging out the word.

"Light-kun, please just work."

"We've been working all day though..."

It was weird to say, but Light was easily distracted. Not from his perfect world plan, but by L and anything related to teasing his rival. It was actually fun to see him mad.

Well, not mad, but annoyed. Mad L was only seen once, which was when Light jokingly stole all his candy (Light even still has it.) Oh boy was L mad. That's a story for another time.

Light had already been aware he might have had a minor crush on the detective. It wasn't major, but it was definitely there. Still, he couldn't let feelings get in the way of his plan. Unless he made L a god too. That wouldn't go over well with his supporters.

"Why not?" Light grinned, crossing his arms, tugging L over with the chain.

"Because you're being annoying." L facepalmed to himself. Light inhaled loudly, and L knew he was going to shout something.


'Oh, now I'm safe.'

He heard the clacking of shoes come to them, and it wasn't long before Matsuda had arrived. L just wanted silence for once during this case.

"Can you convince L to give me pocky?"


"Well, L, you should give Light some pocky! It would be nice of you!" Matsuda said in his usual pleasant and kind voice.

"I just want to work." L complained.

"I just want pocky, how hard is that?" Light smirked.

"I hate you both, please go back to work."

"Why don't you two do the pocky challenge to decide?" Matsuda suggested.

'Matsuda, you are slowly becoming one of the only people I contemplate not murdering.' Light grinned.

"Yeah~, L, how about the pocky challenge?"

"Alright, fill me in on what it is."

"It's a game where two people share a thing of pocky, and you slowly make your way to the middle. Who ever backs away from the stick first is the loser." Light explained, leaning back and closing his eyes.

"Light-kun, do we even have time to do that?" L glanced at his work.

"Of course! We've been working all day, what's a little pocky going to do?" Light said, hitting L's shoulder lightly.


So, that's what they did. L, finally, took out a piece of pocky and put in his mouth. Light grabbed the opposite side of the pocky stick, placing it in his mouth, all while smirking. The It was either get a kiss from L, or a small win against L, either would be fine.

Light was the first to move. He just wanted to tease L, so he took a small bite.

L hadn't done this a lot, so he took about a big a bite as Light. It was hard to admit that it was fun.

Light took a larger bite. Not by too much, but about 3 centimeters.

About a third of the pocky was left, and they had barely eaten any. Both boys were childish, and weren't going to lose. Matsuda was totally not fanboying over the two.

It took a while of L and Light taking small bites, before the got to the near middle. L was clearly glaring at Light, but Light was just grinning. It was Light's turn, and L wasn't ready for what was about to happen.

He bit the entire thing, and pull any left in L's mouth out. That was, before pecking him on the lips.

"Tie." Light smirked. L couldn't have wanted to smack someone more. But, he had a better idea.

L, casually, got up, and started walking.

"Wait L, I'm going to fall off-" Were the only words that escaped Light's mouth before he faceplanted into the floor.

L wasn't mad at Light in the slightest, in fact, he couldn't've wanted to thank him more. The thing was,

'Did Kira just kiss me?'

L was aware that Light knew about his suspicions as Kira, so why the hell would he do that? L knew it felt nice, but why? Light had just taken his first kiss, so why did he seem so proud?

L wasn't good at people body language. He could barely tell was he was feeling half the time. But this was a more complex feeling.

I mean, Light was feeling proud, but something else. L probably had the same something else.

'I'll just ask Watari.'

"Light-kun, are you alright?" L smirked, feeling sense of satisfaction.

"I'm fine, but the pocky game was fun. Want to do it again?" Light chuckled.

"Not really, but I'll do it just to prove L is a stronger force than Kira."

"L, I'll prove I'm not Kira one way or another."

"Sure you will."

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