SaiGenos - Rude Ass Bitch - 🔮

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I wanted to answer this so I'm not asked this. I'm only going to be knowing malexmale for now, but once I run out of ships, I'll be doing femalexfemale, but that will take a long time.

It was late at night, and Saitama couldn't sleep. Surprisingly, Genos fell asleep two hours ago, not watching Saitama fall asleep. He had no idea what was keeping him up.

Stress? No, there wasn't a lot of that when you could poke something and it'd die.

Boredom? Well, that's always been a problem, but that probably would've put him to sleep.


Wait, Genos?

'Why did Genos come to mind? Maybe cause he's sleeping right in front of me.' Saitama mentally facepalmed.

Saitama would admit, he had been thinking about Genos as of late. It wasn't anything gay but just care. Genos, although an S class hero, had gotten beaten up by various amounts of S class heroes ever since getting in. The bald guy was honestly concerned for Genos.

'That's probably it. Worry for my student I guess.' Saitama faintly smiled, barely visible in the night.

"Mm... Master..." Genos spoke in his sleep.

Saitama immediately snapped out of his trance to look at the robot boy, and find out what the frick he was thinking about him. It was probably gay, but Saitama wanted to know.

He seemed calmer in his sleep, not trying to beat anyone who dared to insult Saitama, or trying to keep Saitama under control. Genos looked like any other robot-teenager who just happened to be a superhero.

Only one thing about Genos bothered Saitama. The fact he could not call Saitama Saitama. There was no easy way to put it, it was simply annoying.

But that was getting off track.

"With hair... Looks nice."

And Saitama couldn't help but glare at Genos.

'What the fuck did you say about my hair.' He "calmly," said in his mind.

For the rest of the night, Saitama scowled at a peaceful Genos.

Extra: The Morning

Genos was fixing breakfast, looking like the simple housewife, when Saitama walked in.

"Genos, why did you dream about me with hair? You were sleep talking last night." Saitama complained.

"Ah, Master. I'm not sure, people can't control what they dream about." Genos glanced at his master.

"Yeah, but you said I looked nice." Saitama pointed out.

"Well, you do." Genos knew he was flustered in some sort of way, but Saitama was standing behind him.

"You're lucky you didn't mention my hair now..."

'What hair?'

"Alright, thank you, master."

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