HideKane - Lap Pillow - 🔮

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This one is a lot shorter, since I'm too lazy to make a normal sized one-shot. Season 1, by the way. Kanny is pronounced like Connie.

Rush hour was either the worse time of day, or the best time of day for Kaneki. He loved meeting new people, even if only for a few seconds, but hated rushing back and forth.

So, he after his shift, he went to the nearest place. That ended up being his best friend Hide's house. They had gotten into the habit of just walking into each other's houses.

As he walked in, he already noticed Hide playing video games. Kaneki already knew that Hide would know who he was was, so he just walked towards Hide.

"Hey~! Kanny, what's-"

Kaneki faceplanted into Hide's thighs, snuggling next to him. Hide chuckled, setting his game to the side. Kaneki curled up, facing towards his friend's hoodie. The blonde intertwined his hand's with the boy's hair.

"Bad day or long day?" Hide asked, fiddling with the boy's hair.

"Long and rush houry." Kaneki murmured.

"I can tell, you never actually make up words. You staying here?" Hide asked, chuckling at Kaneki.

"Staying, I'm going to sleep here." Kaneki rested his eyes.

Shortly after, the twirling of his hair, the light breath of his friend, and the quietness of the room soon soothed Kaneki to sleep. Hide already knew the rule where you couldn't move if a cat was sleeping on you. This, in Hide's opinion, was the exact same thing. A cute, sweet, thing taking your space and sleeping.

Honestly, it was adorable, and Hide knew he wasn't going to get over Kaneki any time soon.

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