~ Chapter 1~

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Third pov

"You better have a good reason for calling me at this hour." Todoroki Enji, also known as the pro hero; Endeavor, grunted in annoyance. It was three o'clock in the morning and he had only finished his hero work an hour prior to the call. As soon as he had closed his eyes his phone had blared to life signalling he had a call.

"For, Forgive me sir! But it's your wife, she has gone into labour!" The man on the other line stuttered in panic. Enji frowned his eyes in confusion, his wife Rei, was only eight months pregnant.

"She's early...were there compilations?" He questioned as he shifted to raise himself off his bed.

"No sir! Other than the fact that she went into labour early, she is healthy. And the baby! The baby is healthy too!" The man once again stammered his answer to the annoyed hero.

"I will be there within the hour." He hung up.

Heaving a sigh Enji stood up and once again dressed himself, however he did not spout his hero costume. He placed on a simple black pants with a grey shirt to match and black sneakers. Looking at the clock he found that it had only been a ten minutes call. As he left his room he contemplated waking his daughter up to prepare her for what's to come.

It's too early. Even for her. He grunted again as he moved around to get the things he needed. He quickly called his driver telling him of the situation and promoting the man to hurry despite the time.

Five months ago Enji had placed his wife in the hospital because she dared harm his masterpiece. He didn't care that she was already three months pregnant. Then again neither of them knew until she was admitted to the hospital and was being evaluated. Because of this she was unable to take her pills for her mental state but he didn't care for that. He cared for the child that seemed eager to enter the world. 

Enji didn't know of his child's gender, nor did he really care. What he did know, was that he maybe had another chance of having a masterpiece other than Shoto, his now second youngest child. His phone vibrated, his driver had arrived. Grabbing what used to be Shoto's car seat he left the house silently, not one of his children prepared for what was to greet them upon them waking up.


The drive to the hospital had been a fast one, as the roads were clear and even then it didn't have may cars on the road. Letting his driver wait would be a crime, as births took hours. Instead he told the man to head home and wait for his call, then proceeded to enter the hospital with his everyday facial expression. A scowl.

"Right this way sir." A male nurse greeted him. Everyone knew who he was and whom he came for, there was no need for the man to even go up to the counter.

They rode the elevator up to the fifth floor, two floors up from where Rei was actually placed. A maternity ward prehaps. He didn't care. Enji sat himself down on the chair outside the room where he could hear the cries of Rei from labour pain.

Although his face gave nothing away, and the flames he used to cover his face made him look like he might always be sweating. Todoroki Enji was in fact nervous. No matter how tough of a man he was this, this was something he would always respect women for. Maybe the only thing.

The pain of childbirth and the sheer strength it took women to give birth, is something he could not fathom. Let him handle a building full of villains, chase a runaway car, he'd take the two situations over listening to those screams any day.

I should have come later. He thought darkly, eyes closed as another scream ripped through the otherwise silent hall. Another scream this time followed by loud threats that had Enji's eyebrow twitching at the very... descriptive way his wife would like to handle him.

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