Chapter Thirty Two

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Oscars pov

I turn the small sign and smile softly to myself as the bakery is officially open. I walk back over to the cupcake i was decorating and grin.

"Whats got you so happy." I look up and smile at abby. "W-why are y-you here so-so early?" She giggles and takes a seat on a barstool in front of me.

"Well my small friend, it gives me a chance to check up on you. How are you?" I smile softly.

"Happy." She raises her eye brows in curiosity. "Oh? How so?"

"My d-dads gone b-b-back to wo-work part time, hes le-left town f-for a while." Her eyes glow and she smiles. "Yay! Thats amazing!"

I nod and pass her a cupcake to decorate. What? I made extra.

We talk for around two hours, me serving and baking at the same time, but it gave us a chance to talk.

"I gotta go blondie, me and tyler got homework to do." I smile and hand her a small bag. "T-take these. Ju-just some ex-extra cupc-cakes i have l-left." She smiles brightly and kisses my cheek.

"Thankyou oscar! See ya later!" I wave goodbye and smile at the girl leaving.

I go into the kitchen before i hear the bell ring. I turn and see a man in his mid 20's come and sit down.

"H-hello what c-can i get fo-for you." He smirks.

"Just a coffee please, cutie." I shift uncomfortably and tell him the price as he passes me the money.

"When does your shift end?" I smile awkwardly and pass him his drink. "I-umm, im not sure."

"Go check." I nod awkwardly and hear him mumble more things about me. I walk over to my timetable, obviously not going to tell him, but just curious for myself of when the shift ends.

Before i can look, i hear a loud thud.

I swiftly walk out to see the strange man being pinned to the wall by luke.

"L-let him go l-luke." He turns to me and sighs before shoving the man, who now has an obvious bruise forming on his face, out the door.

"Hey angel." He sits on the barstool like nothing happened and i frown.

"Y-you cant hu-hurt every pe-person who flir-flirts with m-me." He chuckles and sips at the mans coffee.

"I sure as hell can angel." I sigh and shake my head as i go to take the fresh muffins out of the oven.

I put them on a tray and before i put them out luke steals one. I frown. "I d-dont make ev-everything for y-you to eat luke." He smirks and stands up.

"Anything i can help with?" I shake my head and sit down.

"Its qu-quiet today bec-because of the r-rain." He nods and smiles.

"I like rain." I nod and sip my water.

"M-me too, i f-find it c-calming." Before he can reply an old lady walks in.

"Oscar my dear! How are you!" I grin at mrs clover. "Im-im good. H-how was y-your trip?" She sits down next to luke and shows us a photo of her in front of a beach. I smile gently.

"Y-your us-usual order?" She nods.

I go to grab her cinnamon bun and while i do my jumper rises a bit, showing my hip.

"a phoenix scar?" I blush gently and nod.

"Whose the lucky boy?" I go red and cough. "H-how did yo-you know it-it was a b-boy?" She chuckles.

"No offence dear but its not exactly hard to guess. You're too soft and cute to date a girl." This gains a laugh from luke.

So im just a girl now? I could be masculine manly man if i wanted too.

Never mind.

"So, is it him or not?" I cover my eyes and nod.

"Sadly yeah, i got stuck with that dork. Total nerd." Both luke and mrs clover laugh.

"H-hey!" I pout and pass her the small bag.

"Oh hush you love me really." I blush softly and look away.

"So, whats your name?" Luke smiles softly.

"Luke, luke daniels." She smiles soflty.

"Well luke daniels, it was nice meeting you. You're a good match, take care of each other, and harris, you're in my will. Im going on a ski trip next tuesday so if i die your stuck with mittens." I giggle and wave goodbye as the nice  old lady leaves.

"I c-could be a ma-masculine man-manly man if i w-wanted too." He chuckles at my comment and hugs me from the side.

"You couldn't angel, but its ok, i love you anyways." I frown and hug him back.

What does she mean im not masculine. I think for a moment and shake my head. Never mind shes right.

Im really not masculine, but i dont mind.

I like it that way.

"So angel, i have a kind of weird question." I hum in response and smile as i watch the last customer leaving, making it just me and him. He walk back over to the counter and suits on one of the stools.

"Are you a virgin?" I feel my whole body pause. "Kind of..." he raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "What do you mean kind of?" I sigh and continue to wipe down the small tables.

"I uhh... i've n-never done i-it in a me-meaning-gful way." He tilts his head. "So you regret your first time? Why was it like a one night stand or something? was it a boy? when was it?" I sigh.

"A l-long time ag-ago. I d-don't really li-like talking a-about it." He smiles softly. "Ok then, so if you regret it then you're a virgin to me." I smile softly.

"Are you?" He hums. "I've done it, a damn lot, but never once meant anything." I grin. Just as i walk past him he pulls me closer by the waist and gently kisses me.

"I love you." I giggle and pull away. "I l-love you mo-more."

Hey guy!
Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Anyways thanks for reading!

Ngl this book will end up being as bad as my other book but oH wEll.

Lmao Im sorry its baddd but its gay so shhHhHh.

Word count: 1126

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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