Episode 1: Prologue

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"Cake!" Cole looked at the dazzling tower of cake, looming in the center of the table. He licked his lips in anticipation at the meal, but started gobbling away at his dinner.

"Settle down Cole. That cake's not going anywhere." Nya teased. Cole looked at Nya, then continued to wolf down his food.

"Oh Cole. You were always a sucker for cake." Jay pointed out. Cole ignored Jay's comment, and ate his food.

The ninja were gathered at the monastery and ate together under the moonlight. It had been two weeks since they had returned, and in those two weeks, each ninja was normally out keeping the peace. This would be the first time they would be able to eat together again.

"I'm just glad it's Zane's night to cook." Lloyd said, stuffing his mouth with a dumpling. "He always makes the best meals."

"Agreed." Kai muttered with noodles, and Wu thought the same.

"Hey Zane, are you bringing out that turkey?" Jay screamed to the kitchen. Every person winced at his scream.

"I wish he were the one with food in his mouth." Kai whispered to Lloyd, Lloyd agreeing.

"It'll be a couple more minutes!" Zane replied. Zane watched the oven drop to three minutes, and sighed. Jay really loved his cooking.

He started mixing a dressing, and watched as the blender mixed the liquid into the center. The dressing swirled around in the center, and Zane watched the lines pour itself into the middle.

He then noticed a red dot in the mixture, and he turned off the blender to look closer. There was no part in the recipe which called for cayenne, so he was a bit pertubed. He got even closer, and the dressing changed from a pasty orange to a scarlet red.

No, no, no, no-----

Zane shut his eyes, but found himself back on the ice emperor's throne.

Stop, remember? You're not him. You're not him.

He looked to his right, and saw Vex dragging in a human child.

Stop it!

"My emperor." Zane glanced at Vex in response.

Stop holding that staff. Stop sitting on that throne! Stop responding!

"Bring it closer." He said. Vex ushered the child closer, and Zane walked off his throne to greet it.

"How are you little one?" Zane said in a soft, caring tone.

"Leave me alone you monster!" She cried out.

Zane watched the child. "I'll leave you alone." He cooed.

The girl looked at him up and down, and her eyes flashed a bit of hope. There it was. That glimmer of hope they always gave at his words. He savored it from the bottom of his heart.

"Just do me one thing." He asked. The frightened girl nodded.

"I want you to scream." The little girl widened her eyes, and Zane laughed as she began bleeding from the ice he sent upon her. Red sores broke out upon her, and Zane enjoyed every moment of----

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Startled, he pushed back against the kitchen stove. The memory was interrupted by the timer going off. Zane rubbed his head, and opened the oven with a sigh. The turkey had a golden-brown hue, just like he wanted it to be.

Stay calm. Nothing happened. Everything is going to be okay. He repeated to himself. Though Kataru had told him to seek help, he knew he could never involve his friends in a matter such as this. Zane still felt confusion radiating from P.I.X.A.L. and Wu. He had never told them of Kai's appearence, and never planned to tell them how.

Zane then entered the room, coating a smile on his face. Jay looked over at him, and stared at the turkey.

"Dinner is served." He said. Every person in the room turned to look at the turkey. Juicy flavors rolled off of the meat, and the entire group licked their lips.

"If only P.I.X.A.L. were here. Too bad she's doing prison guard." Nya said.

"Do you guys mind if I use the restroom?" Zane asked. The others nodded, their attention focused on devouring the turkey.

Zane walked into the hallway. The hall was dark, and nothing made a sound. Zane then leaned against the wall, then slid down.

Stop having these visions! And worst of all, stop enjoying them. He whispered to himself. Zane looked down to find his toes freezing the wooden floor. He retracted the ice, then continued on to the restroom.

Zane stared at the faucet, then the mirror. He stared at himself, and watched his eyes flicker between white and blue. Zane willed his eyes to turn back to blue. He then turned on the hot water.

The water came down in a stream, and soon began to steam. Zane closed his eyes, then opened them to find the room encased in ice. He looked back at the water, which was also frozen in ice.

Focus. Regain control. You're not him, nor will you ever be. You're Zane, master of ice, and a nindroid here to protect others.

The girl's blood splattered over his clothes, and he watched it in delight.

Not yourself.

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