Episode 24

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Zane sat in the back of the limo, scanning his surroundings. While the guards would protect him, he was still extremely cautious. Especially since today was the day.

He smiled, looking at the reflection of his blade. It was made of pure titanium, honed to the sharpest edge. Perfect for today's battle.


Gavin stood up, brushing off the dust. Zane stared at him, and Gavin right back.

Gavin slowly approached Zane, then placed his hand on Zane's shoulder. Zane glared at him, triggered from his contact.

"Good job." Gavin said slowly. Juliet widened her eyes, and Kenya looked at him in surprise. Gavin left the room, leaving the place in silence.

"Did he just say..." Juliet said.

"What?" Zane asked.

"In all my years, I've never heard Gavin say good job. He's only remained this emotionless block, and refuses to give anyone praise." Kenya said.

"Kenya?" The three turned to find Trystan waking up.

"Finally. You take way too long to wake up." Juliet frowned, pulling out a lollipop and sucking on it.

"Kenya! I thought I was a goner!" Trystan said.

"I had no intentions of killing you." Zane repeated.

"And I told Zane my will....Zane don't say it again!" Trystan said. Zane stared at him, amused.

"I must admit, your speech was extremely hilarious. It always goes to remind me the desperation in humanity when strife occurs." Zane said, smiling at Trystan. Trystan shuddered.

"But anyways, is this training a success?" Zane asked. Kenya chuckled.

"How could it not be? You got all of us." She said.

"Great. That means I don't have to fight tomorrow." Trystan said, relieved. He collapsed on the floor.

Zane spent the next day training alone. He at first went into the general training room, but as soon as he did, a large amount of people avoided him.

"Doesn't anyone want to fight me?" He said, taunting the crowd. Everyone looked around with unease, and Zane enjoyed the fear they exhibited.

Unfortunately, that fear didn't help him find new training partners, so Zane resorted to training alone.

"Your weapon." Zane glanced at the side, and a butler appeared with a briefcase. Zane took the weapon, and the butler left.

Zane opened the case, and took out his new weapon. They had changed his daggers to titanium. His chains were also made of the same material.

Zane practiced using it for a couple of hours, getting used to the weight and power of the weapon. The weapon was twice as light, but still had a heavy impact. Zane commended the weapon smith.

Zane heard a knock on the door, and a foot kicking it open. Zane sighed. Juliet marched over to him, in his face.

"You'll leave at 12 a.m. It'll take you five hours to reach there, and the tournament starts at eight." Juliet said seriously, handing him an envelope.

"Inside is the machine you use to enter. At the registration area, show this at the desk. This will allow you to get in, but what you should note is that the device will bind onto you. As soon as you enter, everyone will know you were a participant." Juliet spoke, her joking manner gone.

"We have clothes for you to represent our organization. They're waiting in your dressing room. You should also know that after the fight, Yulta will provide a hotel for you. The guards will be waiting for you afterwards." Juliet finished.

"So good luck~!" Juliet said, resuming her happy tone. She pranced around Zane, then left the room.

How does she still prance around with an injury in her stomach? Zane thought. He grabbed a black duffel bag then placed his weapons in the bag. Zane walked over to the dressing room, and found the uniform. It resembled a black ninja uniform, but with a scarf as a mask. Zane put it on, then glanced at the time.

11:30. I should get going now. Zane turned to leave the room, but paused.

Wait. Where did she say to meet up? Zane pondered. If he recalled, Juliet never said exactly where to leave. Zane was about to take out his card when he heard a rumbling sound. Perturbed, he looked around his room in response, but then felt the floor panels beneath him caving in.

Ah. More secret tunnels. Zane grabbed onto his bag, and plummeted straight into the floor. Zane fell in pitch darkness for a solid ten minutes before sliding into a garage.

"Right this way sir." A guard informed him. The guard seemed a bit unnerved at his presence, but for once, Zane paid no attention to this. For now, he focused on the tournament.

Zane slid into the car seat, and the driver rolled up his window. At themoment, he was the only one in the car. The car was a long, outstretched limo, and Zame could see two motorcycles revving up.

Guards too huh? I guess this is very serious. Zane reflected. Zane brought out his card, then scrolled through the news.

Good luck!!!!! Juliet cried out.

Do well. Kenya said.

Beat them up like how you beat me up. Trystan said. Zane smirked. Idiots.

I left some extra knives in the car in case you wanted them. They're in the right compartment. Juliet said. Zane opened up the compartment, then took out the knives. They numbered four in total, and Zane stashed them in his suit.

Zane watched the car pass threw highways upon highways; journeying into the deserts, and abandoned villages. The car ventured through the mountains, and past a small lake.

Zane silently looked outside. The sun had started to rise, so Zane assumed they would arrive there shortly. He checked the time, and it was 6:00.

A bump broke his thoughts, and Zane craned his neck to look outside. Large steel beams greeted his arrival, and Zane saw the car passing over a bridge.

So the first part of the tournament is on an island? Zane observed the car pass over water, and he could see the sparkling blue sea. The car finished passing by, and made it to the island. The island had multiple tourist attractions, yet the city was empty due to the night sky.

Amazing how thousands of the most dangerous people in Ninjago are gathering at an amusement park. Zane noted. The car began to slow down, and Zane could see the driver nearing a hotel.

A man opened his door, and Zane climbed out, bringing his stuff. One of the guards took it, and another bowed to him.

"Follow me please." Zane walked with the guard into the hotel, and the workers didn't even bother looking up to greet them. The two made their way into an elevator, and the guard pressed the top floor.

"Here's your stuff, as well as the room card." The guard offered, bowing.

"The tournament begins at eight, but we will have to escort you to the entrance at around 7:30." The guard spoke.

"Do we know where it is taking place?" Zane responded. He opened the doors to the room, and the room contained a kitchen and a living room. A bedroom laid to hid right, and Zane walked up to open the balcony. A fresh breeze of ocean air sang hello, and Zane looked at the vast forest in front of him.

"In the forest, according to our sources." The guard replied. Zane nodded, then went outside to observe the forest.

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