Episode 4

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Zane regrouped with the ninja, and they all stood outside the room.

"Well it seems like Zane's intel was right. The transponder is beeping the most here." Nya said, looking at her device.

"Yes, but this place is swarming with guards. Let's try and keep this to a sneak in and out only." Lloyd said. Cole peeked inside and gasped.

"Swarming? More like packed with guards! There's no way we could sneak around that many." Cole shout-whispered.

"He's right. That's way too many guards and cameras to get through. We'll need a distraction." Kai said, also staring through the door.

A bottle of beer was thrown in the center of the room, and half the guards left to find the perpetrator. The ninja watched in surprise.

"Well never mind. I guess we should go in now." Kai said.

"Move out!" Lloyd shouted. Cole and Jay opened the doors, and the other four moved in. Cole and Jay took the corners of the room, and watched overhead. Meanwhile, Lloyd moved with Nya to the left, and Kai with Zane on the right. The overhead light shined softly against the darkness.

Zane grabbed Kai, who was about to hit a guard. Kai nodded him a thanks, and they jumped up onto a railing. The two scanned the area, and Kai pointed to a box. There were six boxes, and each were labeled human waste.

"I'm assuming one of those boxes has the scientist in there?" Kai whispered.

"Most likely." Zane said. "I'll scan the boxes for human life." He moved his eyes over to the boxes, when a noise disrupted him. He could see Cole and Jay waving their arms in the darkness.

"Crap!" Kai said. He pushed Zane out the way of a spotlight which beamed where they were at.

"I owe you one." Zane said, flipping backwards.

"Did you find the scientists? Kai asked.

"No." He said. An alarm went off, and the two saw Jay fighting guards. Another guard pointed to where Nya and Lloyd were at.

"And I don't think I'll have the time to." He said. Zane threw a shuriken at one of the guards to distract them. Four of the guards turned over and started shooting at him.

"Thanks for that." Lloyd said. Zane retrieved his shuriken, then noticed the vans moving out.

"Guys! The vans!" Cole said. The guards shot their weapons at him, and soon, the whole room was encased in gun fire.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but we're stuck in a room filled with gunfire!" Jay shouted at him.

Lloyd summoned green energy orbs, then threw it at his opponents. The guards backed off, but continued firing.

"Hit them with your elements, then split up and trail a van. If you intercept a van, notify P.I.X.A.L." Lloyd said. Kai threw flames at the guards, and the room ignited into flames. Fire began to eat up the walls, and the guards scattered. Kai chuckled.

"Too much?" He asked.

"He said throw it at the guards, not light the entire place on fire!" Nya replied.

"But it worked!" Kai said, chuckling. The ninja separated, each grabbing their vehicles and driving off. Lloyd and Cole took off in the same direction, while Kai and Nya went off west. Jay and Zane drove together, and found themselves in the outskirts of Ninjago.

"Dang it, they're separating!" Jay said, watching as the vans moved in opposite directions in the fork of the road.

"As long as you've got your comms on, you should be fine. Worst case scenario, we'll find you using the GPS on your bike." Zane said.

"Right. I'll head right, you go left." Jay said. Zane took off in his direction, then shifted back into his disguised gear.

The truck continued forwards, turning left and right every so often. Zane trailed the truck quietly, making sure not to be seen in the rear view mirror. He then decided to scan for life.

The scan revealed two people in the truck, one in the front, and one in the back. He sighed, then alerted P.I.X.A.L.

"I've got the van with the scientist." He spoke over the intercom. No one replied, and he realized the comm was static.

What the heck? Something's blocking the comms. Zane thought. He had parked in the side of the road to talk to P.I.X.A.L., but saw the truck continue forth.

I've got no choice but to go on. I hope when they notice my inactivity, they'll find me. He believed. A red light flashed on his vehicle, and Zane glanced to his left. The sun had started to rise.

How long have I been trailing this car? He recalled the group's separation at around one's clock, then flicked his wrist.

It's already seven. The truck started slowing down, and Zane saw himself at a dock. He parked his bike on the side of the street and viewed their actions. The group unloaded the cargo, and placed it on a boat. Zane shot out a beacon onto the boat.

Great. It seems the beacon isn't being affected by the same thing as the comms. They should notice me now. He thought.

"Zane?" Zane whipped his head around and saw a black hand on his shoulder. He froze. The figure had a humanoid shape, but nothing about it resembled a human. The figure smiled maliciously at Zane, and Zane swallowed deeply. He averted his gaze to his left, but a crowd of the same figure appeared. Zane crouched his head, breathing deeply.

Just leave me alone, leave me, leave me! He pleaded. Zane fell off the bike, and the figures surrounded him. Zane shut his eyes.

"Uh, Zane?" Zane blinked, and saw Lloyd in front of him. The ninja had surrounded him, and some had concerned looks.

"Are you okay? This is you, right? I can't tell if this is you when your disguised." He asked.

Zane shifted back to his normal form, then looked at him.

"I'm fine." He chuckled slowly. "But I found them." He whispered. The ninja nodded and hid behind the building.

"We need to get on that boat before they take him away." Lloyd pointed out.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Nya asked. Zane turned to look at her. She shrugged. "You seemed pretty scared."

"I was just frightened. I didn't hear you guys at all." He said. Nya stared at him, unsatisfied with his answer, but returned to watch the boat.

"Alright. Cole and Jay, knock out the guards. Kai and I will move into the boat and find the guard. Worst case scenario, Nya and Zane, follow us. Jay and Cole, make sure no one else comes. Got it?" Lloyd said. The group agreed.

"Okay, now, let's just g--" A tranq dart hit Lloyd in the neck, and he passed out. The group jumped back, but Zane watched as Cole got hit by one too. He immediately hit the floor.

"Crap. I didn't even hear them." Kai said. Kai referenced to the five vans behind them, each aiming a gun.

"Nya!" Jay said. Nya glanced at Jay, but saw him knocked out. She moved to dodge a tranq, but got hit by another.

"Kai?" Zane said. He looked at Kai, but he was on the floor. The men surrounded him, and one of them fired a dart. The dart bounced off him.

Zane threw a shuriken, but the men dodged it. He was about to throw another when a large object hit him in the face. He looked around for his opponent, but collapsed as the force knocked him out.

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