Episode 29

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The Yulta members observed the fight from above, watching the man known as Unanmi entered the ring. He held a large, broad sword over his shoulder, and stood at least six feet tall. Unanmi wore all leather, from his chest to his knees, and had a leather helmet.

Unanmi raised his sword, and thousands screamed in support for him. Unanmi responded with a war cry of his own.

On the other hand, P.I.X.A.L. walked calmly into the stadium, holding her two katanas by her side. She looked at the crowd, and focused on her opponent.

"Does the tournament allow androids to participate?" Zane said, staring at the scene.

"They allow anything or one to fight as long as it's not an animal." Kenya replied, staring at them.

"Hey Azne, isn't that your---" Trystan never managed to finish his response, as a blade stuck in his flesh. A few seconds passed before Trystan, and the pain finally reached his head, causing him to scream. 

The crowd surrounding him turned their gaze to him, and Kenya waved them off.

"He just got a bit of ketchup on him." Kenya said, shielding off the scene. The people nodded and turned their gaze back to the two, while Kenya looked at Trystan.

Five stab wounds pierced Trystan, and his slumped on the floor. Zane laughed wickedly, and Kenya sighed.

"His stupidity confounded me." Kenya said. Trystan groaned, clutching his wounds.

"Still alive? I would love to use you for more practice, but here's not the place." Zane said. He grabbed Trystan by the collar, who helped at the pain, spitting out blood.

"Put me down." He wheezed. Trystan looked at Zane in the eyes, who's eyes flashed a silver white. Trystan felt his wounds healing, and Zane dropped him.

"Wish granted. Now shut up before I kill you and throw you into their fight." Zane said. Trystan nodded, and the three looked back at the fighters.

The two had been watching each other for any minute movements, and Unanmi charged in with his sword. P.I.X.A.L. responded by backing off, giving herself some distance from him. Unanmi charged up at P.I.X.A.L., who blocked his attack with her katana.

P.I.X.A.L. crouched down and attacked Unanmi's exposed side, leaving him with bleeding slashes. Unanmi winced, and howled at the pain.

Gritting his teeth, Unanmi swung his broad sword at P.I.X.A.L., but P.I.X.A.L., backed off again.

"She has a nice defense and offense." Kenya stated.

"And she knows how to use her katanas well." Trystan noted.

Zane nodded, observing her. By watching her actions, he would be able to block of defend himself without hurting her deeply. Kenya watched his facial expression, and sighed.

"I doubt you'll face against her." Kenya said. Zane looked at her with a questioned face. Kenya waved her hand.

"I'll make sure they won't put you against her. But for Wu? I don't know about that." Kenya said.

Zane nodded. "Thanks." He said. Trystan looked at him and gasped.

"Did he say thanks?" He pointed out. Kenya pulled out her baton.

"Now you're not safe from the both of us." Kenya said. The two were raising their weapons against him when a large buzzer sounded. The three looked down to find P.I.X.A.L.'s blade dripping with blood, and Unanmi gasping for air. He fell down unconscious, and P.I.X.A.L. looked up.

"And the victor is P.I.X.A.L.!" Merriweather shouted. She entered the field and raised P.I.X.A.L.'s hand.

"P.I.X.A.L. will move on to stage two of our fight!" Merriweather exclaimed. The crowd roared in delight, and P.I.X.A.L. looked back at her competitor. She then rushed over to attend to his wounds.

Zane grumbled, cringing internally. "Why would she save him?" He asked aloud.

Kenya sniffed. "Because she's a part of the ninja."

Zane clenched his weapon. "I would've wanted him to at least put up a fight even longer. Perhaps avoid his arteries, and stab him where it hurts the most. That's when they let out the most horrifying screams." Zane said jubilantly.

Kenya nodded with the same degree of happiness, and Trystan, sitting in the middle of the two, shivered in disgust.

"I'm glad she finished it quickly. Less blood that way." Trystan said. Merriweather called for lunch break, and many left the stands in search for a food vendor.

"I'm going to go grab a snack. Anyone coming?" Kenya asked.

"I've got to prepare for the next match." Zane replied.

"Grab me a hotdog!" Trystan shouted over them. The two left the stands and met up with Juliet, who was walking in the same direction.

"Hiya~!" Juliet said, jumping around the group. Zane moved away from the two, but Juliet only grew closer to him.

"That fight seemed fun! If only I could've fought." Juliet pouted.

"Why're you here Juliet?" Kenya asked. The trio walked into the dome area, and moved towards a concession stand.

Juliet yawned. "I wanna try out the new purple flavored cotton candy."

"Do you know where fighters are supposed to meet up?" Zane asked Juliet, who nodded.

"Go to the entrance of the stadium, and take a sharp right. Take a left, and you'll go down a long corridor. There'll be guards posted there to confirm your admission." Juliet said.

"Good luck!" Juliet shouted, waving eagerly. Zane ignored her and weaved through the crowd. Zane bumped into one of the onlookers.

"Sorry about that." An old man with a rice hat and a bamboo stick bumped into him, causing the man's supplies to fall across the floor. Zane threw a disinterested look at him, but shoved his hands in his pockets to hid his shaking.

Wu bent over, grabbing the bag he had prepared for the tournament, then looked up. The Yulta member stared at Wu with an annoyed tone, and scowled. Wu focused his gaze on him, searching for any signs of recognition. The man looked nothing like Zane, but Wu watched the man's pale white eyes bore into him.

"Pardon me." Wu said first. The man rolled his eyes and continued forth, losing himself in the crowd.

So that's the Yulta fighter. Wu pondered.

That's definitely not Zane. Wu thought. Zane doesn't have white eyes, nor use that sort of weapon.

Zane hid himself in the crowd, distancing from Wu.

Why did I have to meet up with Wu of all people? Zane looked for the corridor, and found it to his left.

Calm down. Wu and P.I.X.A.L. won't recognize me when I'm disguised. It's going to be fine. He reassured himself. Zane looked at his blades, and it reflected his uneasy expression. Zane washed away the tension and replaced it with a cruel smile.

Who cares if Wu and P.I.X.A.L. notice me? Zane thought. He showed the guards his pin, and they nodded,

I just have to make sure I get my good bit of fun today. He sang. This in mind, Zane entered the stadium.

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