Episode 32

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Zane placed the blades onto his hands, then closed the door behind him. Today, him and the others were practicing sparring for the tournament. Day three of the official tournament was still going on, but Zane had no interest in the other participants. As far as he speculated, none of them posed a big threat except for Wu, P.I.X.A.L, and Magma, whom he had already watched.

Zane walked through the hallways. The guards whom had protected him still surveyed the area, but had distanced themselves from him. The hotel itself had enough security - cameras were lined at every corner.

Zane leaned on the elevator railing, the doors closing in front of him. The brass key panel shown a soft white, and Zane had clicked it to go on the lobby floor.

The elevator began its descent downwards, soft music playing in the background. Zane checked his phone and searched up the standings for the competition. The morning match seemed close to drawing to an end.

The metal doors opened up, and Zane strolled onto the main floor. He passed the pillars which erected into the ceilings, and made his way through a darker hallway. The two guards who had originally protected him silently held their positions next to an open doorway. They nodded as he passed by them, and Zane stumbled into an open court. The court had been painted in light grey undertones, and boarded the ocean front. To his left, an outdoor grill was stationed. A chef cooked food for his customers.

"Hey~" Zane looked over to see Juliet flipping in mid-air, fending off both Gavin's and Trystan's attack. Zane moved over to Kenya, who sat on a bench observing them. Kenya stopped viewing the three, then looked at Zane.

"Juliet wanted to do a two vs. one." Kenya stated, sipping a milkshake. Zane sat on the bench with her.

"If she wants to die quicker, she could've asked me." Zane said, pulling out a knife. Kenya sighed.

"Or me. But, Juliet's just being Juliet." Kenya rolled her eyes, and watched the spectacle.

Juliet threw two blades to stop Trystan's spear throw, then pulled out two more daggers to stop Gavin's charging hammer attack. Trystan grabbed his spear and jumped over Juliet, who grinned. Juliet moved backwards, and Trystan saw his momentum throwing him at Gavin.

Gavin boosted Trystan straight into the sky, and Trystan sailed over the court. Bracing for landing, Trystan hooked his spear back into its position, and swung on the trees using his arms.

"That would've broken your arms at that momentum." Zane said, watched Trystan drop to the ground. Trystan picked himself up, then went back to fight Juliet, who kept trying to knife Gavin. Gavin dodged each attack, while Juliet launched a dagger at Trystan to slow down his speed.

"You're right." Kenya stated. "But Trystan has grapplers embedded in his clothing for such cases.

"That makes sense." A shadow covered his area, and Zane looked behind him. A small audience had gathered to watch the fighters.

"So your purposely let Juliet fight to gather spectators?" Zane commented. Kenya smiled.

"Muskrat wanted us to show off a bit. I know that we aren't using our full strength at the moment, but I think this will suffice." Kenya said, moving her eyes at the audience.

Zane took out one of the chained daggers. "I think a little practice before the next match shouldn't hurt." Kenya brought her milkshake up to her lips, and only stared at Zane, who walked into the court. Whispers erupted in the air as the hotel guests recognized him.

Zane smirked at the audience, and slowly laughed as their whispers escalated into fear. Juliet looked over at Zane, then smiled.

"Oo, a playmate?" Juliet said, blocking Trystan's attacks while staring at him. Zane frowned.

"I think I'd rather join Gavin's side." Zane replied, approaching Gavin.

"But then what am I supposed to do?" Trystan complained, jabbing at Juliet, Juliet took out two long daggers and kicked back Trystan's spear.

"Lose? Suffer. Perish." Zane grinned. Trystan gulped.

"I guess I'll be with Juliet then." Trystan said, backing off. He joined Juliet on the left, and Juliet looked at him.

"If you lose, I'll kill you myself." Juliet said happily. Trystan sighed.

"Why is it always me who suffers?" Trystan readied his spear, and Kenya walked up to the plaza. The two teams looked at her.

"I guess I'll be the referee." Kenya stated. "Here are the rules. No killing." She looked at Zane. "Nor inflicting injuries to the point of death." Kenya glared at Zane and Juliet this time. Juliet huffed while Zane stared back at her. Kenya shook her head.

"Lastly, you are disqualified if you are unable to fight. Begin!" Kenya shouted.

Zane and Juliet launched in mid-air at lightening fast speed. The crowd oohed and awed at the sight. Each person clashed blades so fast, the majority of the spectators couldn't keep up with their movements.

"I see someone's gotten faster." Zane smirked, blocking an incoming blade while attacking with his next.

"Yup!" Juliet crowed. Zane swung his chain in an arching circle, and Juliet used her two long knives to block the blade and chain.

Juliet threw eight knives at Zane, who stopped her attempts with the chains. Juliet lunged at Zane, a smile on her face, while Zane's cold eyes held a darker smile.

Juliet brought the two blades onto him, but Zane deflected each with the dagger. He grabbed Juliet by the foot and slammed her into the floor.

"Owie~" Juliet cried, swinging up from the impact as if it were nothing. A long cut extended from across her face, but no sign of pain appeared on her face.

Zane stared at Kenya. "Not an injury to the point of death." Kenya face palmed.

Juliet charged at Zane, who continued to look at Kenya. Kenya glanced at Juliet's oncoming attack, but Zane merely chuckled. Faster then Juliet could follow, Zane drew a blade pushing into her heart area.

Juliet paused, then fussed. "I wanted to win!" She pouted.

"And I wanted to have a bit more fun." Zane dryly replied, removing the knife from her chest. Zane looked at Gavin and Trystan, who had sat on a bench and were viewing the two from the sidelines. Juliet's mood worsened when she saw the two.

"Hey, aren't you two supposed to be fighting?" Juliet clamored.

"We were, but seeing the two of you engrossed in your fight, we decided to sit back and watch." Trystan hollered, Gavin nodding in agreement.

"Also, it was a really good fight!" Trystan shouted.

"Indeed." The five looked over at the new voice, and the crowd parted for the speaker. Holding two katanas her back, and sporting silver hair and green eyes, P.I.X.A.L. entered the plaza.

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