Episode 14

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"Where is he?" P.I.X.A.L. said. She looked up the bike's coordinates, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Any luck?" Wu said. P.I.X.A.L. shook her head no.

"He's completely off the grid. I hate to say it, but I think there is something wrong with him." P.I.X.A.L. replied. Wu sighed.

"It's all my fault." Wu said.

"No it's not. But there is something interesting I wanted to share with you." P.I.X.A.L. replied. Wu watched as she put a USB plug into the computer. The computer showed pictures of Silica, and her home.

"When I went to go back and check for more clues, I found myself in an antique store." P.I.X.A.L. said. Wu sipped on some tea.

"How does an antique store have to do with him?" Wu asked.

"Nothing, or something. I had went in the antique store to look for clues, and interviewed the owner. The owner had said a couple of days ago, a skirmish had occurred."

"Skirmish?" Wu echoed slowly. P.I.X.A.L. nodded.

"The owner said that she had woken up to hear two people talking in her store. She was about to open the door, but she had stopped in fear. She then said she saw blood splatter across the floor, and she didn't dare move."

"Was it him?" Wu asked.

"I don't know. I asked her if it was him, but she didn't know what he sounded like. But get this." P.I.X.A.L. brought up more images on the screen.

"After the skirmish, she was again going to open the door when more men barged in. The owner cracked open the door, and saw them cleaning up the entire place - making it seem like nothing had happened." P.I.X.A.L. said.

Wu almost splashed his tea. "Are you suggesting." He said slowly." That he has allies?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if this really was him. But what I do know is that these men left no traces. The only way I could prove this actually happened was due to a faint residue of bleach. All of the security cameras were out. And when I went back to ask the owner for more information, the people said she had closed her shop and moved on." P.I.X.A.L. said.

"So we're dealing with someone who wants to erase all traces? This is interesting." Wu said thoughtfully.

"I don't think he would've done this in the past. The actions seem a bit too secretive." Wu murmured. P.I.X.A.L. nodded.

"Well get this. I asked some of the ninja about what happened when they were captured, and they said the organization had the original intent of killing them." P.I.X.A.L. said.

"Are you implying he controls Yulta?" Wu asked. P.I.X.A.L. shrugged.

"I have no clue. I don't even know for sure if he is behind all of this. But what I do know is that they were released after he was taken in last." P.I.X.A.L. noted.

"Still, this doesn't make sense. Why capture them, then release them?" Wu said. P.I.X.A.L. shrugged, confused as well, and the two stood pondering.

"I feel like there is more behind this." Wu said. "Let's investigate this privately. Keep this between you and me."

"Of course." P.I.X.A.L. said. Wu nodded, then walked out the room.

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