Episode 40

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Drip. Hidden inside a brown cloak, a man ran out of a sunken building, running into the darkness. Rain began to pour over him, but the man ignored this.

Streetlights lit his way up in the night, but the man paid no heed. He turned and twisted into alleyway and alleyway, clutching a small wooden box in his hands.

"Help!" He cried out. Heads turned in the direction of his screams, and the man gave a small smile of relief. Perhaps he would make it. Perhaps he would live.

The man crouched for a moment, panting heavily. Mud and water seeped through his pants, but he sat, exhausted.

A whistling sound shot through the air, and the man looked to his left. White eyes gave a hello but a cold smile crept up against these eyes. The man jerked, and started to take off, but his cloak got entangled in a silver blade. The man turned in horror.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. I can't have you running away now." The chains choked the man, and pulled him towards his assailant. The assailant caught the man in the face, and smiled. The man opened his mouth wide to scream, but a mouth clamped over him.

"There it is." His attacker whispered. The man struggled, trying to bend his way out of his grip, but it was no use. The person was easily twice his strength.

"That tingle of fear, bursting over your face!" His assailant laughed. Another man entered into the alleyway, and the man in the cloak looked in hope. His attacker backed off, but still held him tightly.

"We need the box, not the corpse." The man said. The man had blonde hair which flashed against the storming winds.

His assailant stared at him, then pointed a second dagger at the man. The blonde hair man jumped back in shock, and put his hands up.

"Fine, fine. Forget I asked." The man with the cloak realized his chains had loosened, and he started to sprint pass the two.

"Hey, stop!"

The man kept running forwards, seeing the freedom of the street lamp right before his eyes. Suddenly, and excruciating pain struck his body, and the man choked. He looked down to find a silver blade coated in blood sticking out from his chest. The man clawed at the blade, but the blade suddenly dragged him back down the alleyway.

"No!" He cried out. The man passed the guy with blonde hair, who shivered at the sight. He turned his head away in apology, and the man gave up his chance of hope.

The dragging stopped, and the man looked up slowly at his assailant. The same cold eyes which had pursued him this entire night looked down at him with a happy smile.

"I guess this is goodbye?" In a twisting action, Zane plunged his second knife near the lungs of his man, carving it with his knife. The man passed out from blood loss, and Zane laughed as he kicked him to the side of the wall. Red rained down the gutters, and Zane turned to Trystan. He tossed the box over to Trystan, and Trystan caught it.

"This is the one. Wait, what's this liquid on the box?" Trystan asked. Zane took the dying man and dragged him across the brick floor.

"Cranberry juice. The main ingredient? Human blood." Zane replied. He took the man and tossed him into the trunk, then slammed the back of it. Trystan walked over to Zane.

"Yeah, I'm driving." Trystan said, looking at the amount of blood over Zane.

"Definitely driving." He repeated to himself. Trystan slid into the car, and took the wheel, while Zane sat in the passenger seat.

Silence quickly descended over the two, and Zane stared at the blood encroached on his blade. Trystan looked over at Zane to try and spark a conversation but sighed as he saw Zane staring at the blood.

To try and lighten the mood, Trystan turned on the radio, but he soon realized it made everything worse.

And now, information on the recent Tournament of Blades. Azne of Yulta takes the championship title, taking away the title earned by Garmadon. In a shocking event, Azne turned the tides and defeated Garmadon, something the ninja themselves have struggled to do. Does this prove Yulta's power behind their words, or does this only show the weakness of our socie--

Trystan turned off the radio, and groaned. Almost every news station had been talking about the tournament for none stop. And all of it only occurred because of what had happened during the last match.

The concern over Wu and P.I.X.A.L. had dissipated when everyone had seen Garmadon and Zane fight. The fight had captivated everyone, and most were surprised to see the reveal of Maga's identity, but even more so when Zane defeated him.

After the five had left the stadium, there was nonstop chatter about the final round. Of course, Zane was given congratulations over earning the title, but everyone talked about how Zane won the championship, but the defeat over the Lord of Darkness had caused massive hysteria.

As soon as the five had entered Yulta headquarters, everyone began staring at Zane with reverence. The crowd amount had become so much, Muskrat ordered twenty guards to escort the five into their rooms. But even that wasn't enough, for on the next day, hundreds of people were trying to get in contact with the Arctic group, and Zane.

As a result, Muskrat had sent all five members off on a mission, hoping for the public to calm down. But even then, everyone the two had fought tonight had recognized Trystan, and especially Zane. The group they had gone after had scattered like bugs, and what had made the mission even more annoying is that they needed a device which had been stolen. The two had to track all members for the entire night, which took about forever considering there were fifty people.

Zane looked at his reflection in the blade, his thoughts mirroring Trystan's own. The amount of consequences which arranged from their fight was almost catastrophic. While Zane knew Garmadon hadn't been using his full power, it didn't matter to the public. Just the sight of Garmadon being defeated was enough to throw everyone into a panic.

So many problems, not enough solutions. Zane thought, annoyed. Yulta would be targeted even more for the power he displayed during the tournament, which would become a big hindrance.

As entertaining it would be to slaughter the police force, the balance of Ninjago would be thrown off. Zane pondered. He frowned, but turned to Trystan.

"So, how's Turner?" Trystan asked. Zane blinked, and raised his eyebrow. 

"Alive. His vitals are normal." Zane stated.

"His mind?" Trystan dared to ask. A small smile burst on Zane's face.

"Well, not doing so well." Zane responded, a chuckle escaping his lips. Trystan looked stunned, and Zane stopped laughing.

"It's there." Zane slowly stated. "I'm actually surprised I was able to bring it back, but he's slowly coming back. Unfortunately, I had to resort to using my powers."

"What're you going to do with him?" Trystan asked. Zane chuckled.

"Mercilessly beat him to pieces and constantly hold him against the brink of death, probably. Well, I do have to return to the ninja tomorrow. I suppose I'll place him in the jail." Zane finished.

"After all this?" Trystan asked. Zane flashed him a glare, and Trystan sighed.

"Yup. I'll see you later then." Trystan said, ending the conversation. Driving in the dark, the two continued on into the headquarters.

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