Epsiode 46

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We've got ninja. He typed, frustrated. And I have a broken weapon.

Zane watched Kenya lean her weight against a tree, and irritation claw up her face, but a brief hint of worry broke through her.

Do you want to call this off? She asked.

It's fine. I can fend them off for a while. Kenya gave Zane another concerned look, but took out her metal batons.

I'll find him. Zane saw Kenya shut off her card, and run into the bushes. He shifted his gaze over to the ninja, who stepped into the light of the city.

So it's Kai, Cole, and Lloyd. Zane looked into his hands, and formed an ice replica of his normal weapon.

"According to Nya and P.I.X.A.L., there might be someone around here who might know about Turner's whereabouts." Lloyd said. "They're supposed to be here somewhere."

"Well can't we just ask them in the morning?" Kai asked. Cole sighed.

"If we ask them later, they might disappear on us. Remember Silica? She died as soon as Zane tried to ask her about Yulta." Cole bit back. Kai silenced his mouth, and the three walked on.

I've got to stall for time, or else Kenya won't find him fast enough. A crazy smile broke through Zane.

Well, I guess this makes up for the torture session. Zane dropped the case loudly against the tree, and the three ninja heard his action.

"Who's there?" Kai shouted, raising his weapon. Zane walked out with his hands in the air, and placed a frantic look on his face.

"Who are you?" Cole demanded. Zane chuckled, and continued walking over to the group.

"I'm just a guy who's a bit bored tonight." Zane stopped walking and faced the group. Kai relaxed his sword when he saw the bystander, and an easy tension hit the air.

"How can we help you?" Lloyd asked pleasantly. Zane smiled, but something about the smile offset the three and brought the wary mood back.

"I'm just looking for a good fight tonight. You see, my partner disappeared somewhere, so I'm all alone." Zane said, turning his head in frustration. "Do you mind helping me find her?"

"Not at all. What's her name?" Cole asked. Zane had turned his back to the group, but chuckled.

"I think you all know her by the name of Kenya." Zane said, staring his white eyes at them. He took his weapon out and threw it at Lloyd's face, but Kai blocked it using his sword. Lloyd and Cole jumped back, stunned by the attack, and Lloyd took out a cutlass, and Cole had a hammer ready in his hands.

"What a shame. I was hoping I would've gotten at least one of you." Zane muttered. The chains rattled against the floor of the pavement, and the three ninja stared at him cautiously.

"Are you him?" Lloyd asked. Zane stared at Lloyd, who summoned an energy orb in his fists.

"Are you him?!" Lloyd repeated. Zane smirked.

"Who's him? Oh, do you mean Azne?" Zane launched himself towards the group, and swung the dagger at all three. The ninja divided into solo groups, and circled him.

Zane stood up and observed the three. "Well, I guess I do go by that name. It's annoying in reality, but serves it's purpose." Zane replied. Bright red flames swarmed Kai's fists, and Zane saw Cole gearing up for an Rx punch.

"How could you do this?" Lloyd roared. Lloyd charged over at Zane, but Zane trapped him into his chains and threw him at Cole. Kai went for Zane's side, but Zane took the other knife and sent it at him. Kai used his sword to block his attack, and Zane dodged again and planted his face into the ground. Zane grinned.

"Over already? I wanted to hear so much more from you." Zane ripped Kai out from the pavement, and took the blade back into his hand. Zane angled the dagger right above his neck, and almost shoved it through when he saw Cole and Lloyd attacking him from the corner of his eye. With an annoyed tone, Zane let Cole attack, and threw him into Lloyd. The two ninja hit one another with a hard thud to the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" Lloyd shouted. Zane looked up irritated as Lloyd threw energy at him. Zane blocked each attack with his weapon, and sent one of the energy orbs back at him. Lloyd dodged the attack, and Zane watched as Kai got up and readied his sword.

"Why would you hurt so many people?" Lloyd questioned. Zane chuckled again, and his small chuckle became a crescendo of a laugh.

"Because it's so much fun to see someone suffer. Just watching them scream in helpless agony is so amusing!" Zane replied. Cole went in to attack him once more, but this time, Zane charged at him first.

"What the?" Cole whispered.

"Surprised?" Zane answered, a grin on his face. He took the blade and stabbed it into Cole, then pulled it out. Zane smiled at the display of blood.

"Cole!" Kai shouted.

"Shouldn't you worry more about yourself?" Zane asked, staring back at the two. The other blade swung in a circle, and Kai and Lloyd blocked it with their swords.

Zane turned his attention to the two other ninja when he felt his card buzz. Zane took his card out, and Kenya gave him a thumbs up.

"Unfortunately for you, I actually have to be somewhere else. It's a real pity too. I was hoping I could finish you all off." Zane said.

"Don't let him get away!" Kai said. He threw two flames at Zane, and was midway to attacking him when a baton was thrown in his direction. Kenya casually strolled through the courtyard, carrying a body on her back

"Is he even alive?" Zane asked. Kenya shrugged.

"I think the voltage was a bit too high. Sorry, maybe torture next time." Kenya said.

"I didn't even have enough time to have some real fun with the ninja." Zane huffed. Lloyd looked like he was about to explode, and Kai had the same expression. Cole looked at the two with a determined expression.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go."  Kenya retrieved the baton, and began walking away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lloyd asked. Zane smirked.

"Never mind. I'll have some fun." Zane attacked Lloyd, and kicked him in the gut. Caught off guard, Lloyd hit a tree and slid to the ground.

"Hey--" Zane reared his head at Kai, and Kai felt a blade pressing against him. The blade broke through the skin, and Kai collapsed. Zane walked over and picked up his case, and didn't even bother to look at Cole, who passed out from the lack of blood. The two looked at the display.

"I'll carry him back to the base. I'll also take the case for you." Kenya offered. Zane gave her the case, not moving his eyes away from the ninja.

"You should probably stick around." Kenya said. She followed his gaze, and noted his facial expression. Kenya sighed.

"Go on. I can take him back." Kenya ordered. Zane looked back at Kenya, who drove off in the silent night. He began walking, but started sprinting over to the ninja.

Turn back. He told himself. Zane reached into the mindscape, but a barrier blocked it. He opened his eyes in shock.

I can't?!

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