Episode 42

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Zane couldn't help but tense at the sight of Garmadon. He could endure Lloyd's rage about the ice emperor, and could barely maintain his facade when P.I.X.A.L. called him a psychopath, but jolted in surprise when he saw Garmadon. Luckily, everyone had the exact same reaction, and Kai pulled out a sword.

"What do you want?" Kai shouted, steeling his sword. Nya summoned water in her hands, and Cole and Jay had earth and lightening.

"Put away your elements, and let me finish." Wu spoke calmly. The ninja backed off, but stared warily at the Dark Emperor.

"I think an explanation needs to be expressed." Zane suggested. Wu looked at Garmadon, and ushered him to speak.

"I suppose you could blame me for the company you know as Yulta." Garmadon said, raising a hand to his chest. Lloyd stared at him aggravated, but Wu glared at him.

"Originally, I had created Yulta to clean up on Chen's remnants. You see, a faction of Chen broke away after Skylor was named head over the factories. To tone down on the violence of this group, I created Yulta right before I was taken in by the cursed realm. "

"Some management that turned out to be." Kai scoffed. Nya slapped him.

Garmadon looked over at him, and continued on. "After my death, I guess the organization went on without me. I was sure they would've been finished, but this proves the opposite. The group has grown, and at a rate which is quite bizarre."

"Why are you telling us all of this?" Jay asked, looking at Garmadon with deep mistrust. Garmadon laughed, and raised a finger.

"For one reason. If and when you find this group's headquarters, I ask of one thing." Garmadon said.

"What?" Nya replied.

Garmadon laughed. "I want the man named Azne alive."

Jay smiled. "Do you want a rematch or something?" He laughed, and Garmadon stared at him menacingly. Jay shut up.

"No. But something about him interests me." Garmadon stoutly spoke.

The ninja watched him in confusion, and Wu shook his head.

"For now, place your items back in your rooms. Tomorrow we'll start with the investigation once more, but let's start with training." The ninja ran up and did as he said. Zane slipped the case with his Yulta stuff underneath the bed, and sighed. He looked down and peered at the two blades.

Since I spent so much time with Yulta, I hope this will be enough to stop the madness. Zane thought hopefully. He grabbed his two shurikens, and ran outside.

Kai and Jay were already outside training with the monastery equipment, punching and ducking from the attacks. Zane watched as Kai got hit square in the face, and as Jay waved Zane a hello, a bag caused him to fly across the square.

Nya and Lloyd opened the door to find Jay upside down on the floor, moaning from the impact.

"I guess I do need some more training after all." Jay moaned. Nya helped him up, and Cole came into the square using another door.

Cole ran to attack using a metal scythe, and cut through the equipment. Lloyd used his powers to incinerate the training station, causing half the equipment to melt.

"Lloyd!" Kai complained. Lloyd shrugged a smile, but his mood dropped when he saw P.I.X.A.L. and Wu come outside with Garmadon.

Wu looked around the training room, and saw the supplies almost incinerated. Wu sighed, and P.I.X.A.L. flipped the lever to take back the supplies. A slow breeze washed over the monastery, and the ninja looked at each other.

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