Episode 11

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Zane took the kusarigama, and wrapped it around his arms. The kusarigama consisted of two bladed ends instead of one, and a straight line of chain connected the two ends. 

"Interesting choice of weapons. I was sure you would've picked up the shurikens." Muskrat said, taking out his guns. Zane shrugged.

"I would have, but if I'm going to join Yulta, I don't want to be seen with them. The ninja might make a connection with them, and I'm not ready to be  discovered." Zane replied.

The blonde man yawned. "Can we get this over with?" He took the spear off his back.

The man in the back drew his weapon and swung it. Zane stepped into the arena, and the five drew their weapons.

"Ready?" Muskrat asked. Zane nodded.

"Let's begin."

Muskrat shot two bullets at Zane, while the man with the spear charged at him. Juliet threw two blades, and Kenya brought out a four-foot electrical baton.

Zane dodged the blades and the bullets, then ducked under the sneak attack by the man with the hammer. He side stepped the spear jab, and lodged a chain in the ceiling. He then propelled himself upwards, and swung above the arena.

"Injuries inflicted are fine, right?" Zane swung overhead, his eyes burning white.

Muskrat smirked. "Wouldn't have it any other way." He shot two bullets at Zane, and Zane saw a spear coming at him. He swung from the bullets, and blocked the spear with the curved dagger.

He then lunged downwards, and swung the daggers in a circle. Four of them dodged it, but the man with blond hair grimaced; earning a cut from the blades. Noticing this, Zane leaped towards him, slashing more blades after him. The man screamed.

Zane looked at Kenya, who tried to swing her baton at him.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you." He turned towards her and stopped her momentum, allowing the baton to electrify him. Kenya tried jumping back, but she stepped into a circle of chains, which he pulled and immediately caught her.

Zane turned to his last three opponents. The large man looked back in shock.

"He got Kenya?" He said.

"Focus on what we're doing." Muskrat said, shooting at Zane. He pulled out his two pistols and shot them, and Zane dodged each attack. He then noticed Juliet jumping behind him, and two bullets aimed at him at the same time. He caught Juliet mid-air, then used her as a shield against the bullets. Juliet yelped, wincing in pain.

"Muskrat, watch where you're shooting." She whined, and Zane watched her. He used the dagger to block the hammer thrown at him. Zane, seeing Juliet out the fight, lunged towards the brown haired man, who put pressure on him with his hammer. Zane smiled.

"You're the one who threatened to kill me, no?" He asked. The two exchanged a party of blows; Zane using the curved daggers to stop his attacks.

"Have you realized yet that you've been the one attacking me all this time?" Zane said, grinning. The man widened his eyes at the realization.

"How about, my turn?" Zane took the war hammer out of the man's hands, then swung it at him. He flung it straight at his face, then used the daggers to retaliate. The man attempted to block him with his arms, but Zane sighed.

"You look like the children who tried to stop me from killing them." He groaned, annoyed. The big man stared in surprise, and Zane chained his neck, constricting his air flow. The man's face turned blue, and Zane whipped out chains to stop Muskrat's bullets.

"Sorry Muskrat. I guess it's just you." Zane said, staring gleefully at him. Muskrat smiled.

"I thought I said stop with the false pretense." He shot more bullets at Zane, who used his chains spot stop them. Zane frowned.

"I was being polite. I really don't care." Zane smiled maniacally, then threw chains at him. Muskrat responded by taking out two katanas to stop it. Zane stood, surveying Muskrat.

"Nice katanas." Zane rushed towards him.

"Thanks. There's more where that came from." Muskrat pulled out a bolt-action sniper, and shot. Zane turned to his left, and the sniper embedded into the wall. The wall behind him exploded.

"I don't think it's wise to wake up the guests." Zane flung more chains at him.

"It's a sound proof room. Besides, we've got music blaring to cover the sound in here." Muskrat replied.

The two encircled each other in the room, and Muskrat flung daggers at him. Zane blocked each, and the daggers rattled to the ground. He picked one up.

"Is this a free weapon too?" Zane asked. Muskrat shot him twice, and Zane blocked him.

"You gotta incapacitate me." Muskrat said. Zane smirked.

"I think I know a better way to end this fight." Zane responded. Muskrat looked at him in confusion, then shot him. Zane yanked Kenya, and used her body as a shield. She cried out from the pain. Muskrat jumped down, surprised.

"Heh. That's a smart move." Muskrat noted. Zane threw her aside, and she sprawled on the floor. Zane shrugged.

"Use what you can to win, no matter the cost." He responded, his eyes silver white.

Muskrat chuckled. "That's the first time a recruit's ever thought of doing that." He said. Muskrat came over to him, and shook his hand. "You win." He said.

Zane smiled, and shook his hand. He then released the constraints on the other four, who relaxed.

"Someone send me to a hospital. I need medical care." The man with blonde hair groaned. Zane narrowed his eyes.

"I purposely avoided hitting your arteries so you wouldn't have too much blood loss. You should be fine." He said.

"Ignore him. He's just a crybaby." Juliet said, walking over. Zane watched as she limped with two bullets stuck in her leg.

"Doesn't that hurt?" He asked. Juliet shrugged.

"You get used to it after a while." She said, leaning on his shoulder. Zane glared at her.

"Don't touch me." He said coldly. Juliet grinned, then backed off.

"See Muskrat? I knew I liked him." She replied, toying with a knife. Muskrat sighed.

"I'll send in some medical treatment. As for you, I think you'll want to go. The sun's about to rise soon." Muskrat told Zane. Zane looked at the time. It was 6:30.

"I do have to go. I'll be back." Zane dropped the chains, and was about to leave when Muskrat called him.

"Keep the kusarigama. It's yours."  Zane nodded.

"And also. Here's your card. Don't lose it this time." Muskrat tossed him a key card, and Zane caught it. He then took the chains and placed them in a container; leaving the hotel, and headed towards the monastery.

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