Episode 35

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The five members looked up together at the matchmaking selection. The committee of the tournament had decided to combine the semi-finals into one day. Currently, Zane was matched up against man named Malcolm, and Zane reared his head over the crowd. When he spotted his opponent, his opponent also spotted him at the same time, and Zane gave off a hard smile.

"Now this is interesting." Kenya spoke. Zane looked back at Kenya, who pointed to the board. Apparently, Wu was heading face to face with Maga.

"That'll definitely be a sight to see. But for now, I have an opponent to finish off." Zane smiled back at the man, who gazed at him.

"Well, while you're getting ready, I guess I'll go and get some more cotton candy. Cya~" Juliet said, hopping over the crowd.

"We're going to find seats in the stands. We'll see you later." Trystan said. Zane watched as the three marched off through the crowds.

Zane walked over to the fighters area, and passed by the guards. Zane held a sadistic glint in his eyes, and the guards watched him warily.

Zane chuckled at their fear, then looked at the doors. This time around, the stadium filled up even faster. The semi-finals must have had some sort of influence on their decision.

With the loud noise of the stadium, Zane could barely hear a word Merriweather was shouting out through the mic. The only thing he could decipher from her was her hand gestures, and she seemed even more ecstatic from the semi-finals.

Merriweather nodded to both sides of the stadium, and Zane watched as both doors opened up. Zane stared at the victim across the room, and Malcolm entered the field. He wore a long overcoat on top of him, and had a large hat with glasses. Black hair jutted from the hat, and Malcolm clutched two cutlasses in his hands.

Interesting. Zane smirked. The two fighters observed each other, and Malcolm stepped backwards. Malcolm reared his foot into a sprinter's position, then ran at Zane.

Amusing. Zane jumped over Malcolm, and Malcolm looked up. He took out two flash grenades out his trench coat, and threw them into the air.

I suppose that would be an effective method to blind the enemy. Zane watched as the flash bomb went off, blinding the arena.

But I'm not your ordinary enemy. Zane blocked Malcolm's upcoming attack, and Zane landed on his feet. Malcolm looked at him, surprised at his failed strategy.

Zane smirked, and proceeded with his own attack. Zane ran up at Malcolm to engage him in close combat, but Malcolm sheathed his swords and pulled out two large pistols. He backed up and fired them at Zane, but Zane dodged each attack.

"Done with your party tricks yet?" Zane asked, laughing. Malcolm placed the guns in his holsters, then threw two flat grenades at him. Zane took the chains and blocked his throw, causing the bombs to bounce back at him. Malcolm ran backwards and dodged, and Zane looked on amused.

"My turn." Zane twisted the angle of the blade, then began his assault on Malcolm. Malcolm backed off, surprised at the speed and force behind his attack, and Zane swiped at Malcolm in a circle. Malcolm pulled out a blade to prevent his attack, but Zane started hacking away at his blades. The two then simultaneously struck each blade against each other, and Zane looked him in the eye.

"Do you really thing that's enough to stop me?" Zane said, grinning. Zane threw Malcolm's two cutlasses out his hands, and they skittered onto the floor. With a quick swipe, he then ripped his blade through Malcolm's trench coat. The dark coat soaked in blood at his attack, and Zane's eyes widened in joy, while Malcolm lifted up his hands.

"I surrender." Malcolm said. Zane scowled, and ripped the blade out of Malcolm's chest. He walked off, annoyed at Malcolm's quick resolve, and the crowd had Zane's same attitude.

Merriweather hopped onto the field, and took Zane's hand.

"Azne takes the win again! This time, he'll be one of the top two contestants for the finals!" The crowd roared in excitement, but Zane glared at her. Merriweather froze, and slowly turned her face towards her. Zane was glaring at her with a killer's intent.

"Little girl." Zane pulled out his blade. "Don't. Ever. Touch me." Zane threatened, boring silver eyes into her face. Merriweather nodded her head vigorously, and Zane yanked his arm away. Zane looked back at Malcolm,  who was tending to his wound, and scowled. He left the stadium field, and exited through the back door. Zane closed the door behind him, then looked up to find the other four Yulta members next to him.

"Nice job." Kenya said. Juliet bounced all around the group, and Trystan gave a friendly wave.

"It would've been even better if he had at least put out a fight. Why can't you all just accept your fate and suffer?" Zane asked, frustrated. Trystan sighed, while Gavin said nothing.

Gavin stared in the distance, looking at Zane's opponent. Malcolm had just walked out through he same exit, and the Yulta members watched him suspiciously.

Zane looked at Malcolm, then noticed the glint of a badge. The badge reflected a silver-gold hue in the sunlight, and Malcolm glanced at the five members, then his badge. He pulled out his hand to stash it away, but Juliet walked over to him.

"Hi~" Juliet said, prancing around him. The man stared at her, and started shuffling away. Malcolm skirted over on the sidewalk, but dodged a titanium dagger in the wall. Malcolm looked back at Zane, who smiled.

"We can't have an undercover policeman figuring out who we are, can we?" Zane asked, smiling. Kenya cracked her knuckles, and Juliet had a jolly look on her face. The man reached for a small pistol, and shot at Zane. Zane took the full brunt of the damage, and the man stared in shock.

"It seems as if I will be having some fun today." Zane said, smiling madly. Malcolm broke out into a sprint, but Juliet groaned.

"Why are you running? Now I know how Zane feels when an opponent tries to run." Juliet complained.

Malcolm recoiled in shock at the name, and Juliet smiled.

"Oopsies. I guess you can't be running off now!" Juliet spoke, clapping her hands. Trystan shook his head, and Zane jumped up and knocked out Malcolm. The five members looked at Malcolm.

"What are we going to do with him?" Trystan asked cautiously. Zane smirked.

"Beat out all the information he knows about the police forces." Zane replied.

"What will we do with him afterwards?" Trystan dared to ask. Zane cocked his head.

"What afterwards?"

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