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Betty laughed as she got ready for work. Nicole was somewhere in the house screaming at their two sets of twins. Happy that she was finally getting to experience what she goes through every day and every night. She could not remember the last time Nico stayed home from work and she abused this one day she was going to work late.

' Betty open this damn door! Your kids are driving me crazy.'

She sighed grabbing her bag. If Nicole thought she was helping her with the kids, she had another thing coming. With one last look in the mirror she unlocked her door and passed her annoyed wife without a word. Who followed her towards the front door.

' Where the hell are you going?'

' To work.'

' Work so early?'

' Nico it's six o'clock. If you spent time at home, you would know that I leave at six.'

' You can't leave me with these kids?!'

' Nico I have work and these kids are yours too. Please make sure you drop the twins of first. They have music practice at seven and your older twins, you'll find out from them if they have anything before class and before you leave for work tonight please take out the fish.'

Nicole stood surprised, she could not believe that Betty was leaving her alone with their children.The twins came rushing up to her complaining  of hunger when she tried to relax.

' Star can you make your sister's something to eat. I need to take a nap.'

' They're not my kids and I've got to go. My ride is here.'

Star said rushing out with an apple. Luna had his headphones over his ears while he made himself something to eat. Nicole sighed.

' No pancakes!'

Kaylee stopped her when she pulled out a box of cereals.

' Kat there's no time for that.'

' Well we're not eating that. It's Wednesday and mom makes us pancakes.'

' Your mother isn't not here so you eat what I tell you to eat.'

They went back and forth until Nicole gave in and took the ready made batter and made them pancakes.

' Can you take your sister's to school.'

' Can I take your car?'

' No.'

' Then you can drive them yourself.'

Nicole wanted to rest. Her head was still pounding and she had to go to work in a few hours. Reluctantly she agreed to her son's demands and as soon as they left she locked the house.

' So I took your advice and told the wife to get the kids ready today. She came home in the early hours like expected. I locked my bedroom while she slept and had informed Luna to wake her up in the morning.'

' She must've been so pissed.'

' I think pissed is an understatement. Her face was red when she saw me leave for work. I swear she wanted to cry.'

Betty conversed with her colleague as they attended to patients. An officer came in with a cut hand and she attended to her.

' Nurse Pine?'

The officer read her name tag in a questioning tone.

' Yes.'

' This is a unique surname. Are you married to a white man?'

' No, black police woman.'

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