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' Hey, hey Pine, easy on him. You might break a limb and get sued.'

' Right now I don't give a fuck. My life is upside down.'

Nicole clicked her tongue as she helped the perpetrator into the back of the car. It had been a week since she came home to any empty house and most of her families clothes gone. She had tried to call Betty but found that she left her phone. Het family was of no help and so were Betty's friends and colleagues.

' The family still not back yet?'

John, one of the few people who had no problem with a female from another town being his boss. Though a year and a half had passed many of the police officers in her station, felt that her being a female made her unqualified to be their commander. What surprised her the most is that other females were against her appointment too.

' Yeah man and I cannot for the life of me wonder where she might have gone too and taken my kids. She's not even calling me. Apparently she took leave from work.'

' Are you sure you've looked for her everywhere?'

' I looked every where within a mile radius. I've been to hospitals and the morgue. I've been over bridges and under bridges but no one knows where she might have went. I've literally searched everywhere even checked for jane-doe's but nothing. I don't know what to do anymore.'

' Maybe you did something to piss her off and she decided to take her kids. She'll be back.'

' Jo trust me when I say that Betty informs of every step she takes. She will not do anything without telling me first and checking with me.'

' Wow are you beating this woman?'

John joked but she did not find it funny. They had booked their criminals and were now in the coffee room.

' It's something we decided after she was hijacked once. The older twins were a few months old and they took the car and her handbag. I had no way of finding out and I had no idea where she was. I spent a full day looking for her. Till a passerby gave them a lift and helped her call me.'

' Oh I see why you're stressed. I would be too.'

' Something tells me something is wrong and this puts me on edge.'

John knew that Nico was married but like Queen he was told that they were going through a divorce and her concern surprised her.

' For someone going through a divorce, you sure seem to be very worried right now.'

' I may no longer be inlove with Betty but I still care for her. We have been through a lot together. If it was not for her I would not be the woman I am today. I owe a lot to that woman even though I've put her through so much.'

John nodded in understanding and the officer who had invited Betty to the celebration came into the coffee room. She smiled when she noticed the visibly stressed Nicole. Betty was not talking to her either because she felt she set her up.

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