Lyric jumped up at the sound of gunshots. Her father grabbed her when she tried to run towards the sound of where the gunshots were coming from.
' We have to wait Lyric till it's safe. We don't know what's going on in the.'
' Wait! Wait! Dad do you think they are safe in there we just heard gunshots and we are to wait. Nah fuck that! My family is in there.'
The whole church was in the ground while her and her father ran towards the room where Betty, Star and Nicole were only to find it locked.
' Babe! Betty!'
Blood seeped through Betty's wedding dress as she lay lifeless on the room floor. Star lay with her head on her stomach in tears and screaming for her mother. When they tried to leave Nicole pulled out a gun on them. No one had noticed that she had it on her. She ordered them to move away from the door to lock it and they did. Betty shield her daughter and begged Nicole to put down the gun but what she had said earlier about her finding her soulmate rang through her head and believed that if she could no longer have Betty then no one could have her.
' Mom!!'
Star weeped onto her not minding that she was getting blood on her own clothes and did not even look up when the front door was kicked in.
' Babe! Babe! Betty!'
Lyric got down on her knees after they had kicked down the down and the first thing she saw was her bride bleeding in the floor. She cradle her on her chest and cried out after she got no response from her. Star quickly stood up when she noticed Luna approach the room upon hearing Lyric's screams, she tried to block Luna but he was much stronger than her. Her grandparents took her sister's who kept calling out for Betty. Star was comforted by her bestfriend.
' Mommy No! Get up! Lyric wake her up! Please mom.'
Lyric's heart broke further as Luna begged on his knees and tried shaking her awake. Lyric noticed Nicole on the floor behind Luna with a bleeding bullet hole on her face. Everyone was in tears when Betty's lifeless body was wheeled out by the coroner. What was supposed to be her best day ever turned out to be the most horrible day in Lyric's life.
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With a bandaged face, tears in her eyes and handcuffs on her wrists, Nicole stood infront of her grave. On her way to court she had asked her police escorts to let her apologise to Betty. Since they knew her and had shackled her they agreed. A week had passed since the funeral and three weeks since the fatal wedding. Her body was kept by police as they waited on Nicole to wake up from her coma for questioning. She pleaded guilty as soon as she came out of the coma and going to court was just mandatory.
' Why did she have to take her away from us Lyric. Mom was a good woman. She did not deserve to die like that. Can we go visit mom's grave today?'
For the past year Haylee and Kaylee asked her everyday to visit their mother's grave and she had become so used to it. They had turned into a ritual but today was a surprise because Star was the one to ask her. After Nicole was sentenced for life, Lyric was given custody of the children as Betty's wife. Star had locked herself in her bedroom everyday since the funeral, only leaving to go to school and she refused therapy when Lyric suggested it. Today was the first day she was actually having a conversation with her.
' Mom. I miss you and I know it might be a little too late but I am so sorry for everything. I really miss and need you.'
Lyric, Star, Luna had a hard time dealing with the fact that they could not protect Betty while Nicole could not deal with the guilt of killing the mother of her children, a daughter and someone's life. Life in prison was not easy for her as a former police and she eventually took her own life after six months behind bars.