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' Hey baby'

Nicole's girlfriend of three years said seductively as she opened the door and greeted her with a kiss before jumping onto her waist. Nicole kicked the door close and carried her into the kitchen with the lips still attached.

' My neighbors must've been surprised to see a police woman knocking on my front door.'

' They must be used to it. You know I can't always leave home in regular clothes when Betty is off. She'll be suspicious.'

' If you would just divorce her, like you first told me when we met. Then we would not have to sneak around and I would not have to worry about another woman. After all you have the job and pay you wanted. I'm too young for such Nico.'

Nicole had told her that she was no longer happy in her marriage and that she was waiting to get a better paying job before she divorced her wife. Queen pushed her away from inbetween her thighs and walked away from her with her arms folded and a pout on her face.

' Come on on now Queen don't be like that. You know I have children and I have to handle this with care.'

' Don't give me that Nico! It seems all you do is give me excuses. Before it was that the twins were too young, now this!. They're not too young for you to get a divorce. People have done it while their children were much younger than that and they turned out well. They're not going to be the first children of divorce and they're sure not going to be the last!'

' Hey, hey I am not making excuses and I am doing something about it. Have I not introduced you to my colleagues and father?'

' That's not enough! I still haven't met your mother because you won't divorce her.'

'That's why I went to see my lawyer yesterday. Remember I told you that I could not come see you because of had to go do something. Well I was meeting up with my lawyer to discuss the divorce.'

' Really? You're not lying to me Nico, just to get me into bed?'

' Why would I lie to you girl?'

Nicole pulled her towards her by the t-shirt she had on. She kissed her with the same lips that she had just lied to her with. She had no intentions of divorcing her wife any time soon. Sure she was not happy but at the same time she still loved her. Queen was supposed to be a short fling but the comfort of having her when she needed to get away from her married life made her stay longer.

She never complained to her about the kids or money issues and the time she came home. Sure she was taking care of her financially whilst her and Betty shared responsibilities but Queen never called her to tell her that the twins have a school trip or that they were out of milk. Married life was stressful and as much as she was a bit tired of it, she would not trade the comfort of having someone home twenty-four seven.

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