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February 27, 20XX, 9:35 AM

-SoyMilk: im getting a new job

PikaBitch: why exactly??

-SoyMilk: i need to make sure you get your ct scan as soon as possible

PikaBitch: what kind of job is it?

-SoyMilk: well, it's not a very cool one, but i dont need much experience to do it and i can get hella cash depending on the person. im going to be a house cleaner.

PikaBitch: for real? are you sure you can do a job like that when you have school?

-SoyMilk: you dont need to worry about that.

PikaBitch: how long do you think you need to work to get all the money i need?

-SoyMilk: just stop asking so many questions

-SoyMilk: like i said, i am willingly doing this, so it's okay

PikaBitch: please dont overwork yourself though

PikaBitch: promise?

-SoyMilk: promise.

PikaBitch: ummmm mm    m

PikaBitch: do you have any time to call right now?

-SoyMilk: of course

PikaBitch: but like

PikaBitch: a video call

-SoyMilk: oh

-SoyMilk: im not sure about that shgkdgjf

-SoyMilk: im really ugly and i just dont need any more rejectionnn

PikaBitch: youre not ugly stfu >:(((

-SoyMilk: tch

-SoyMilk: fine

-SoyMilk started a video call

Kaminari was cuddled up in a blanket, since he was also nervous about what Sero would think of him. They did already send pictures of each other, but this was totally different.

As soon as Kaminari joined the call, he hid most of his face, keeping his eyes on his phone. 

"What's up," Kaminari mumbled, Sero barely understanding what he said.

Sero didn't seem as self-conscious as he made it out to be. Sero wore a white t-shirt and he was sitting on his bed. He had a goofy smile on his face. "Nothing much, what about you, Beautiful?"

"Don't call me that..." Kaminari's head disappeared into his fluffy cloak, this time Sero couldn't hear it at all. Kaminari acted like he didn't like Sero's flirting, but he actually loved it. It made him feel happy in a way he couldn't explain. "I already told you I'm not gay."

Sero's face was filled with surprise, but it faded away after a while. "I didn't say you weren't. Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. You're the only real friend I have or had. I don't want to fuck up another relationship like last time."

"Sero? I know this might sound cliche as fuck, but..." Kaminari's cheeks were brushed with a tint of red. "How do you know when you're in love with someone?"

"Why do you ask?"

"It doesn't concern you, so it doesn't matter."

"Oh," Sero frowned. "You know you're in love with someone when you want to spend all your time with them. You want them to hold you... To kiss you... And..." a tear rolled down his face.

"Se - Sero!" Kaminari jumped out and brought his face up to the screen. "Don't cry! Why are you crying? Did I say something -"

-SoyMilk ended the call

PikaBitch: sero?

PikaBitch: what's wrong?

PikaBitch: did the question remind you of bakugou or smth?

PikaBitch: answer mw

PikaBitch: *me

PikaBitch: my hands are shakingg so much ic ant type

PikaBitch: i expect a reply by tomorrow

PikaBitch: sero


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