a/n and q/a

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oh wow you made it to the end of the book lucky you



also beautiful kirishima header to cure your depression 

if you have any questions for the book go ahead and comment it now, but make sure i havent answered it yet just in case. once you ask a question ill add it to this chapter and then notify you.

1. Why did you give the characters the usernames that they had?

Sero's was -SoyMilk, and I would understand why people might wonder why I chose this. On his information page in the manga, it says that he likes soybeans or just 'soy products' depending on the translation. The random - was for the aesthetic

i would explain the other usernames but they're pretty self-explanatory 

2. Is Sero and Bakugou's relationship going to mend over time?

With Kirishima to the rescue, probably. Kirishima is always trying to help Bakugou with his problems and, ok wow this is going to sound rude, Sero is his problem. It'll be awkward at first, but their likeness for each other will grow sooner or later.

3. What will happen to Sero's mom?

Ngl, she'll probably end up overdosing. Sero's mom doesn't have that many people in her life, the only one who was always there for her was Sero. Now that he's gone, she'll kill herself. It's only realistic hHHH -

4. What the living fuck was that kissing scene?

I made a scene kinda like that, the one in this story is 10 times less sexual, and people were confused as well. I've always been interested in the topic of people using sex, or sexual stimulation, as self-harm. The other story I put that scene in was loving you again [kiribaku] which has now been removed from my account because it sucks lol

 The other story I put that scene in was loving you again [kiribaku] which has now been removed from my account because it sucks lol

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in this scene, Bakugou was the one guilty of using sex as self-harm, what a fucking bitch. 

but that's really all dkfdhjdf -

sorry if that scene was a bit weird and out of nowhere i needed a higher word count -


that's all the questions at the moment so lololololololololololol yeah im so happy i fucking finished this story

ok bye i love you guys <33

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