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March 7th, 20XX, 6:27 AM

-SoyMilk: you fucking liar

PikaBitch: huh?

PikaBitch: what are you talking about whhdhdjidf

-SoyMilk: you said bakugou forgave me

-SoyMilk: and he fucking didnt

-SoyMilk: you didnt even tell bakugou that i was sorry

PikaBitch: how do you know what i said to bakugou and what he said back?

-SoyMilk: i found one of his social media's and since you told me that everything was 'ok,' i went to text him

-SoyMilk: stuff happened and all the things you said were debunked.

-SoyMilk: bakugou even sent screenshots of what you said

PikaBitch: sero im sorry

-SoyMilk: sorry wont cut it this time

-SoyMilk: im trying so hard not to be angry at you but this is fucked up

-SoyMilk: dont expect me to forget about this

PikaBitch: i didnt want to hurt your feelings

-SoyMilk: that's too bad

PikaBitch: sero dude 

PikaBitch: im just -

-SoyMilk: dont fucking call me dude??

-SoyMilk: and what about that time you called me hanta?

-SoyMilk: is that all just history?

-SoyMilk: am i not good enough for you?

PikaBitch started a call

"What do you fucking want -"

"Shut up," Kaminari was straightforward.

"Say that again, I dare you."

"Shut the fuck up."

Sero listened.

"Hanta, stop overthinking everything. Yeah, I am an asshole for lying about the Bakugou thing, but I fucking care about you."

"I don't need your crap, Kami."

"I - I... Ha - Hanta -" Kaminari couldn't get the words out.

"I don't care for what you have to say."

Kaminari clenched his phone. "Fi - fine."

PikaBitch ended the call

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