702 51 38

February 2nd, 20XX, 12:32 PM

PikaBitch: i was riding my bike today and i just

PikaBitch: f e l l

-SoyMilk: context please

PikaBitch: idk

PikaBitch: i was just peddling and i fell off

PikaBitch: like i felt a bit dizzy

PikaBitch: it might be because of the headache from last night but hhh

-SoyMilk: oh yeah that reminds me

-SoyMilk: what was the 'i love you' about?

-SoyMilk: was it a joke?

PikaBitch: yes

PikaBitch: it just seemed like a good time to say something like that, but i didnt mean it skghfdf

PikaBitch: sorry, you might have been disguste d d

-SoyMilk: nonono

-SoyMilk: it's okaY

-SoyMilk: but you should probably get that dizziness checked out

PikaBitch: ehh

PikaBitch: i bet it will wear off sooner or later

-SoyMilk: you better be right, you dont want me worrying about you 24/7

PikaBitch: no, that sounds nice

PikaBitch: wait fuck that sounded werirdd ndnfdb

-SoyMilk: i got to text you later, my grandma is over at my place rn

PikaBitch: damn, already?

PikaBitch deleted one message

PikaBitch: ok, have fun!

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