585 41 35

November 14th, 20XX, 10:14 PM

-SoyMilk: usually when im depressed, i would come to you because you were always so happy-go-lucky.

-SoyMilk: i always loved that about you.

-SoyMilk: i always loved you.

-SoyMilk: but now i cant go to you.

-SoyMilk: and thoughts of suicide have been circling my head.

-SoyMilk: you.

-SoyMilk: it was you.

-SoyMilk: you were my only reason to live, you know that?

-SoyMilk: everyone else fucking hates me or doesnt even know i exist.

-SoyMilk: so what's the point?

-SoyMilk: what's the fucking point?

-SoyMilk: my mom takes meds that are supposed to help her with her addiction.

-SoyMilk: and they are sitting on my desk.

-SoyMilk: im going to consume every last one of them.

-SoyMilk: then ill be with you.

-SoyMilk: we will be happy together.

-SoyMilk: i love you.

-SoyMilk: ill see you in a bit.

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