597 45 13

June 1st, 20XX, 10:39 PM

PikaBitch: im having a fuckifng panic attack k

PikaBitch: my mom is allowing me to stay home and not go to school and one of my friends texted me, asking what's wrong.

PikaBitch: and i dont know what to say.

PikaBitch: i can t fucking breathe

-SoyMilk: denki

-SoyMilk: im calling you right now

PikaBitch: no it's not that bad

-SoyMilk started a call

"Denki, are you okay? Can you speak?"

Kaminari's mind was everywhere, his thoughts running wild. "H - Han - Hanta."


Kaminari tried stabilizing his breathing, but that only made it worse. "Am I - I - I go -"

"No, don't say anything, it's not going to help. Just listen to my voice, you hear me?"

The boy held his chest in his hand. "Ye - yeah."

"Has this ever happened before? Knock on a solid surface once for yes, twice for no."

Kaminari knocked on his bedframe twice.

"God, this must be scary for you then. I'm not sure how long they last, but be patient. It should go away anytime now."

Kaminari began to cry. "Am I go - going to die?"

The question stunned Sero. "Wh - what? Obviously not! Just, uh, breathe. Maybe count to ten or something? Don't think too much. Sorry if this is a lot to take in, I'm really stressed."

"S - sorry..."

"Don't say sorry, it's not your fault! I just don't want you to feel like you're going to die and shit!" Sero rose his voice. "I sound rude now, I'll just talk about something else... Do you want me to tell you a story?"

"Ye - yes."

"Okay, once upon a time, there was this boy. He had yellow hair and was a cool dude, like, really cool. He was kind of bored, so he texted a number to say some random shit for no reason. The person on the other end was another boy. He had black hair and was slightly nice, but he wasn't as good as the other boy. They texted a lot and the black-haired kid started developing a crush on the boy. Stuff went down and they started dating. The yellow-haired boy had a lot of weird things happening to him and he went to get it checked out at the doctors. He got a CT scan and figured out he had a brain tumor.

"He was really fucking depressed about it, but after he got his surgery, everything was all cool. He also got to fuck the black-haired dude so that's lit, too."

Kaminari laughed. "I wish."

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I just need some fresh air. Bye."

"Bye, Denki."

-SoyMilk ended the call

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