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May 18th, 20XX, 6:28 PM

PikaBitch: ok my appointment is on the 24th uwuwuwuwuwueuuweeuwu

-SoyMilk: that's great!

-SoyMilk: im so excited my hard work is paying off??

-SoyMilk: ghushjdldf

PikaBitch: but im still scared becauseususue ct scans are bwig and fwightening  (╥_╥)

-SoyMilk: it isnt that bad

PikaBitch: you better not be lying >:(((

-SoyMilk: im not i swear -

-SoyMilk: and can i tell you something?

PikaBitch: of course

-SoyMilk: today we got our yearbooks and shit

-SoyMilk: and in the end of it, it had all the 'most likely to...' and 'the best...' etc

-SoyMilk: i was searching through all of it to see if i was in one

-SoyMilk: but i wasnt

-SoyMilk: which is okay cuz i dont care and yeahahsd

-SoyMilk: but one of the students who put that thing together walked up to me

-SoyMilk: the person said, and i quote, "you were supposed to get the  'least likely to succeed' award but the school wouldnt allow us. youre welcome."

PikaBitch: WHAT


PikaBitch: MU R D E R

-SoyMilk: what no -

PikaBitch: WHAT YES


-SoyMilk: i highly doubt anyone would give a fuck.

PikaBitch: you matter so they should??

-SoyMilk: i dont matter to anyone in school.

PikaBitch: dont say that :(((

-SoyMilk: it's true though.

-SoyMilk: im just a background character in everyone else's story.

-SoyMilk: everyone is known for something cool, while im known for nothing.

-SoyMilk: im nothing.

PikaBitch started a call

"Hanta, stop talking shit about yourself. Like, you're ten times cooler than anyone else could ever be."

Kaminari could hear Sero move around. "Legit no one cares about me. Besides you. Only you."

"What about your parents? Grandparents?"

"My dad left my mom years ago and now she abuses drugs. My grandpa died of lung cancer and my grandma only visits to give Mom some money to help her with her addiction. It never helps."

"B - but you've always said, 'parents,' not just, 'mom.' What's that for?"

"I knew you would've caught on if I said that. I don't need you worrying about me."

"You're so idiotic! By how you're acting, you need someone to worry about you! I don't care for what you have to say, I still fucking love you! I - I care about you! And I will worry about you if I want! Don't be so hardheaded!"

The yellow-haired boy waited for a response.

"You're going through so much shit, while I'm just whining about no one caring about me. I'm so -"

"I won't get the CT scan."


"If you will only worry about me, then getting a CT scan can make that worse."

"H - how?"

"What if there really is something wrong with me? If there is, then you'll worry more."

"Denki, what the fuck? That's stupid."

"I'll only do it if you realize how much you're worth!"

"Fucking... Fine, just please get the CT scan."

"Thank you."

PikaBitch ended the call

PikaBitch: lol i win los er

-SoyMilk: shut up boomer

PikaBitch: that offencne!!!

-SoyMilk: sorry i dont speak dumb

PikaBitch: i came here to have a good time and honestly i feel so atatCkkd

-SoyMilk: ily

PikaBitch: i love you too


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