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November 22nd, 20XX, 11:34 AM

PikaBitch: are you still in the hospital?

-SoyMilk: yes, why?

PikaBitch: mmm ok

PikaBitch: get ready to see me and all my glory

-SoyMilk: glory, you say?

PikaBitch: i feel personally attacked by that remark

-SoyMilk: sorry

PikaBitch: wait no that was a joke no need to apologize -

-SoyMilk: im not apologizing for that

PikaBitch: wha

-SoyMilk: im sorry for all the stupid things i did.

-SoyMilk: like making rude comments about you.

-SoyMilk: and trying to kill myself...

-SoyMilk: im such a horrible person.

"Hanta?" Sero shot his eyes up to the sound. There, stood a boy he thought he would never see in real life.

"Denki, how - why -"

"Hanta!" Kaminari practically tackled Sero, who almost fell off the bed he laid on.

"What are you doing here?" Sero pushed Kaminari away.

"Because I love you... Idiot."

Sero wore a crooked smile, as Kaminari pulled out his phone and started typing something.

PikaBitch: hey,

PikaBitch: can i kiss you?

Sero felt his face heat up. 

-SoyMilk: yes

Kaminari wore a grin before pulling Sero into a kiss. Butterflies were present in the boys' stomachs. For that very second, Sero felt happy; a feeling that he didn't think he would ever feel since who-knows-when.

"Hanta," Kaminari broke the kiss.


"I don't think you deserve the 'Least Likely to Succeed' award at all."

"Is that so?"

"I think you deserve the 'Hottest Human Ever to Exist' award, because you're hot as fuck."

"Yeah, you ruined the moment."

"Worth it," Kaminari scratched the back of his neck. "By the way, I spent all my money to get a flight here, so a 'thank you' couldn't hurt."

Sero looked down at his hands. Why was meeting him so bittersweet? He always wanted this, but now that it's happening, it scared him.

"Hanta, I'm sorry. You don't have to say thank you if you don't want to. I can go now."

"No, I just -" Sero was cut off as Kaminari wrapped his arms around him again.

"I'll talk to you later, Bro," Kaminari waved a bit before walking over to the door he came in from.


"What is it?"

"Can I... Can I come with you?"


(a/n: the next chapter will be the last chapter [finally amirite], but dont expect my lazy ass to get it out soon. i have started a shindeku story and i almost forgot that i needed to finish writing the last chapter so - i hope to get it done by next week, but if not, too bad lol. ok bye losers <3)

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