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May 30th, 20XX, 6:56 PM

PikaBitch: hey.

PikaBitch: so i just got the results and.

PikaBitch: god.

PikaBitch: sorry im a bit emotional right now and all.

PikaBitch: but apparently i have a brain tumor.

PikaBitch: i dont know much about it atm so sorry.

PikaBitch: the surgery is going to cost a shit ton. maybe in the 100k's?

PikaBitch: i can start a gofundme, but i dont believe i can actually get enough. 

PikaBitch: if i dont reply, im probably crying to myself in the corner of my room.

PikaBitch: ill text you later.

-SoyMilk: wait denki.

-SoyMilk: im really, really sorry.

-SoyMilk: ill always be there for you, okay?

-SoyMilk: im always down to call you and whatever you need.

-SoyMilk: ummm.

-SoyMilk: yeah.

-SoyMilk: if i dont reply just spam the hell out of me until i do.

-SoyMilk: once again, i love the shit out of you.

-SoyMilk: that's all i can think of rn so,

-SoyMilk: see you later.

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