Chapter 4

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Thea was embarrassed as the word 'harder' slipped from her mouth. Her mind instantly replayed a vision of her grinding herself into his hardness. He should have been Jamal. She had fallen asleep waiting for her husband. When she heard the noise at the door, she had expected Jamal, so she should have kissed Jamal.

What was infuriating was that they were two completely different people. Hank had a beard and Jamal was clean shaven. She should have felt the differences. They even smelled different. These were the things she should have picked up on yet she had been too horny to care.

He wasn't wrong when he said she assaulted him. She should apologize instead of arguing. She didn't want a sexual assault case on her nor did she want Jamal finding out. Hank didn't look like he could do either but it was best to be careful.

"It won't happen again," she said quietly under her breath.

Hank didn't reply but their eyes met as he looked at her through the rear view mirror. Thea took the trinket box she was going to deliver from her bag and fingered the new jewel she'd set in the pendant.

Fixing expensive jewelry or changing stones on some of them was her passion. Thea preferred fixing to actually making. She felt more useful doing so, it made her think people actually trusted their highly priced treasures with her. Of course, she'd made some chains and wristbands for Jamal but it still didn't give her the same feeling as refurbishing did.

Thea looked up from the box when the car stopped. She got out of the car and rang the bell to the house she was dropping the jewelry at. The maid answered and smiled when she recognized her. Thea passed the box to her and sent her regards to her boss.

Her customers were hardly around when she went around delivering their fixed jewelry. They were mostly her father's friends and acquaintances, so she could always see them at some events or gatherings and listen to how much they liked what she'd done.

"You can close for the day," she said to Hank as she got back into the car.

"I can take you home then."

How presumptuous. "I'm not going home. I've to see a friend, shop around and run some errands."

"Then I'll drive you around."

"You don't have to." Was she going to grovel to make him leave her alone?

"It's my job, I will be getting paid for it and I'm not sure the boss will like me clocking out this early."

"I'm actually your boss, and you can go home when I tell you to."

"I disagree, ma'am."

"Ma'am? Please stop with all that, I'm Thea." Hank thought he was talking to his female officers in the military, and the way he kept addressing her irked her to no limit.

"Then Thea, can you make my job less difficult by sitting your fancy ass down and allowing me do my job?" He looked back at her and asked, "Can you do that, Thea?"

Apparently, when he wasn't calling her 'Woman' or 'Ma'am', he was calling her 'Fancy Ass'. Thea didn't request for a driver, she had never even mentioned it so why would her 'precious husband' spring this up on her? She needed to speak with Jamal ASAP, she couldn't take it any longer.

"Look, buddy, I never asked for this. Matter of fact, you're in my way."

"Am I fired?"

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Where would you like to go then?"

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