Chapter 6

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Hank was so easy to talk to. Although, they started on the wrong foot, things didn't seem awkward as he looked through her wedding pictures.

"Where are your parents?" he asked when he got to the last page.

"My dad's picture is in there and Jamal lost his parents some years ago, that was before we met." She opened to a page where her dad was.

"The man can dress."

"Wait until you see his traditional outfits."

"Show me."

"It's on another album." Thea checked on the chicken in the oven before getting the other picture album.

She watched as Hank traced some of the pictures with his tattooed hand. He was like the only person she knew with visible tattoos, she herself had some but they were small and well hidden. To display his body art so proudly amused her, didn't he ever want a job like Jamal's?

"My husband told me the reason he hired you. I'm sorry for being so rude this morning, I'm not used to having people in my personal space."

"It's okay, I understand."

"I don't want you to think I'm a horrible person, because I'm not. I don't know why anyone would ever threaten Jamal. He doesn't bother anyone."

"What exactly did your husband tell you?" He closed the photo album and the warmth left his face.

"He was sketchy with details, I know he told you more..."

"I was asking so i'm sure we are on the same page."

"We are. I know you'll always have to stay with me until he's around."

"Did he tell you exactly that?"

"Isn't that how security business work? I can stay alone of course and there is enough security here but Jamal made it seem like the threat was serious."

Hank was looking at her like she was speaking balderdash and she covered her mouth as she realized what she had done. "Oh. You told him not to tell me."

"No, that was his decision."

"You don't have to lie. Anyway, welcome to my family. Let me know what you like to eat since you'll be spending a lot of time with me."

"Of course."

Thea carved the chicken when she got it out of the oven. The rice was ready already and she added cooked peas to it along with the sauce.

"Food is ready."

Hank who was already sitting at the dining table helped with the plates and they sat to eat.

"Don't you like the food?" Thea asked as Hank toyed with his food.

"The food is delicious, I don't have the appetite. Can I go outside for a minute?"

"Sure, I'll be fine."

Thea dropped her spoon immediately Hank left the house. He had changed immediately she brought up the reason he was hired. It was silly that he thought she shouldn't be aware that Jamal was getting threats. Did he think she'd just accept a driver she never requested for without asking questions?

Thea cleared the table and went to her room. She had been excited at the prospect of cooking for someone other than herself that she had roasted chicken and made rice and he had hardly taken a bite.

Jamal never ate at home, she practically shoved breakfast down his throat this morning and he still rejected it. Dinner was out of it since he came home so late. The one person she went out of her way for didn't even notice.

Thea picked one of the books she bought from the sex shop to read. She started the first page but couldn't go further. She called Jamal but he didn't pick. He was obviously very busy as usual.

Thea got dressed in a skimpy gown and some heels. Hank still wasn't back from his walk or wherever he went to, and she wasn't going to stay in the house staring at the walls as she waited for her husband to come home. She got the car keys after getting her face done. Hank was leaning by the other car when she got outside, she could see him from her position at the door.

She walked towards the sport car and he rushed to her side. "The keys? Where are you going?"


"You can't do that without telling me."

Thea stopped by the car. She was never going to get used to this driver/bodyguard of hers. "Yes, sir."

"I'm not joking."

"I know. Can we go now? I have to meet my friends."

"The back, please," Hank said when she got in the front seat.

"Hell no."

He didn't respond so she strapped the seat belt and told him where she were going. Thea had a cousin she was always arguing and quarreling with and an old friend she had known since primary school. She was going to see both tonight at the club.

"Stay," she said to Hank when they pulled up at the club.

It felt extremely weird having a driver or bodyguard. She didn't want her friends knowing about it because she couldn't explain it to them. Hank made no move of leaving the car so she opened the door by herself and walked into the club. She could easily spot her friend and cousin at the bar. She went over to them and her cousin, Ava stood to hug her then whispered in her ear.

"You said you weren't coming."

"Yea, I changed my mind."

Thea hugged her friend who was fondly called Zoo.

"How are you?" Zoo asked.

"Great, you?"

"Not so bad."

Zoo worked as a photographer and when she wasn't taking pictures of celebs for the magazine she worked with, she was with them hanging out. Thea requested for a booth at the VIP section and she, her friend and cousin took their drinks there.

Thea adjusted her gown as it rode up when she sat. On most Tuesdays, she hung out with her girls and they went over everything that happened to them during the weekend.

Thea wasn't much of a sharer but it was no problem, Ava shared enough for all three of them. She was the single one and they were updated on all her activities, both nasty and otherwise.

Thea sipped on her tequila and soda as she hung out with her girls. Zoo was talking about all the fun she was having with her husband which always made Thea cook up lies about how great her married life was. It was embarrassing but she couldn't help it. Thea was currently talking about how she went to the movies with Jamal when Zoo tapped her.

"The guy over there has been staring at you all night," she said.

Thea looked towards the direction she was subtly pointing towards and saw fucking Hank. He was cross legged staring at her while nursing a drink. She had told him to stay in the car. It was becoming increasingly hard to tell who exactly was the boss between them.

"He's cute or whatever," Ava said.

"Indeed," she replied dryly.

They had to clearly create boundaries. Hank saluted as she watched him and Thea ignored him. Ava wanted him to join their table and Thea looked for an excuse to discourage that from happening.

"He looks creepy," she added to throw them off.

Her cousin wasn't phased, but moved on to another topic.

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