Chapter 35

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Hank was stunned. His arm dropped to his side when Thea left within his grasp, he looked at the people on the table and they were all staring at him. He got over the shock and took their orders, Thea didn't say much and her eyes never met his as she picked a random item off the menu.

Hank entered the kitchen, picked up his knife and went about preparing their order. He passed the little note to the other chef while he diced beef and turkey. She had asked for salad and Hank tossed shredded turkey into a bowl of sauce, he mixed the meat and got sliced vegetables from the refrigerator.

As he finished making part of the order, Lollipop walked in with a well fed Estelle. He smiled at them both then signaled for her to wait at the counter outside. Hank placed the food in a tray and went out of the kitchen. The bartender was mixing the drinks and Lollipop passed him the baby so she could continue with her duty.

He dropped a peck on Estelle's forehead and smiled at Lollipop when she patted his back. They were happy with their lifestyle, it took a while to find happiness but he eventually did. Trust his luck to throw Thea across his path just as he was learning to forget everything that happened between them.

Hank looked up just in time to catch Thea running into the restroom. He cooed to the baby for a minute then passed her into the waiting arms of one of the waitresses around. Hank didn't know why he was going after her but he found himself ducking into the restroom too. He stayed rooted to a spot in the middle of the small hall between the men's and the ladies.

Thea had looked so different. Her hair was a different color now and it suited her complexion so well that he couldn't wait to run his fingers through it. The way she walked had changed too, there was a new sass to it, so fluid and graceful. His confidence dropped a notch as he thought about it, it was as if she had finally discovered herself and he knew that he was way beneath her.

Hank had nothing to offer her then and had nothing to offer her even now. He moved his feet and went back to the kitchen, he was just going to pretend it was a glitch in the universe that had brought Thea back to him. If he didn't acknowledge the event, then it'd just go away.

"Are you okay?" Lollipop asked as she brought trays of empty plates into the kitchen.

Hank sighed. "Just saw someone from my past life."


"You don't have to worry about it, it's been handled."

"You can tell me all about it after work."

Hank shrugged and started tidying his knifes. Some of the staff got to washing dishes while others cleared the tables. It was getting late and they had to close shop and prepare for tomorrow.

Hank got carried away as he thought about Thea, she couldn't be in town for long. He'd breathe a lot easier when she left.

"Chef, someone is waiting for you outside," one of the waitresses hollered.


"Yea. Do you want me to send her away?"

"No, God no." His heart raced in excitement as he wiped his hands with a rag.

It was Thea, of course it was. Hank dusted off any speck of food on his clothes and went outside. As he approached silently, he studied her. She was still the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid his eyes on. Thea looked up and he smiled at her, she stood with her purse and he reached out for her hand when he got closer.

"Hank," she said his name like a topic.

"Can we take a walk?" he asked when he noticed some of his coworkers peeping from the counter. They had been trying to hook him up for months and by the way they had their necks stretched to catch every detail, he knew they were bloody excited.

"Of course."

They left the restaurant and walked past the book store. Hank held her hand tightly and they crossed the street in silence.

"How have you been?" she asked after few minutes.

"I've been okay." Not good, not bad, simply okay. His mom was back in rehab and he was the godfather to a wonderful child. There were ups as well as downs but he was mostly okay. "What about you?"

"I left Jamal."

"Good for you," he mumbled.

"Are you married with a child now?"

Hank realized she must have seen the show of affection between him and Lollipop. "Lollipop is a good friend and I'm her daughter's godfather."

"I see."

He looked at her and she flashed him a smile for the first time that evening. He felt hopeful, what for he couldn't exactly tell.

"Do you live around the area?" she asked suddenly.

Hank was taken aback by the question. "Yea..."

Thea giggled. "My feet is killing me."

"Oh." He looked at her feet and frowned at the high heels. "I probably shouldn't have suggested a walk then, I'm sorry."

"No, it's nothing. I shouldn't have worn these anyway."

Hank did what she'd never seen coming, he lifted her off her feet and he laughed when she started cursing him out.

"Can you relax, boss?"

Thea went limp in his arms and when he looked at her, she was staring at him. At that moment, he wanted to say how sorry he was about everything but her hands went around his neck and Hank felt like he was in paradise. How could she make him feel so good about his existence with just a stare?

"Let's go home," she whispered and home they went.

Hank carried her across the street and turned a corner before reaching his street. Thea's hands around his neck stayed there and he unconsciously dropped her a kiss on her forehead.

When they got to his front porch, she slid down his body and he exhaled as her right hand rested on his tummy. When his hand went into his pocket to get his keys, she stepped back.

"Please come in," he said as he opened the door wild. Thea went in quickly and he shut the door. "You can have your seat."

"There are couches," she stated as she looked at the small space.

"Yes. As well as bed frames."

They both stared at each other and when he broke out in laughter, she followed suit. When the bouts of laughter had died down, Thea sat and he went into the kitchen. He got one of the cheap wines in his refrigerator and removed the cock before carrying it to the living room with some fancy glasses. Thea helped with the glasses and he poured the white liquid into them.

"You have a lovely apartment."

"Thank you," he replied and placed the bottle on the center table.

She passed him one of the half filled glasses and they stared at each other as they drank from it.

"Tell me what you've been up to," he asked stiffly as electricity continued to buzz between them.

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