Chapter 10

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Thea was in her workspace piecing a necklace together. Jamal had bailed on dinner last night and she was giving him another chance by inviting him to lunch. It wasn't like she was ever going to stop trying, he was her husband and she understood that he had a demanding job.

Thea used a plier to widen the hook of the jewelry she was working on. She was going to see her dad during the weekend for their Saturday lunch and she was going to bring up giving Jamal less responsibility. Hank was going to drive her since Jamal couldn't spare all day.

She skipped the song playing from her phone and bopped her head as a favorite came on. She sang out the lyrics and worked. She checked the time few hours later and saw it was past the time for lunch. Jamal didn't bother to call this time to inform her that he wouldn't be making it. She washed her hands in the bathroom then cleaned her face with wet wipes before going out to the living room.

Hank was lying down on the sofa. The first few days he began working with her, he'd sit up all through the day. It was as if he was expecting a criminal or fugitive to burst through the door. So ever alert that it made her nervous a little. Seeing him relaxed gave her an ounce of satisfaction.

"Hey?" she greeted on her way to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and shut it back when she found nothing appealing to her at the moment. "Should we go out for lunch?"

Hank sat up and shrugged. Thea always forgot he wasn't her friend but a worker. While she wanted him to be free around her, he probably didn't want to overstep his bounds.

"We're going out for lunch," she said in her bossy tone.

Thea got her purse and went out of the house, Hank was already waiting in the car. They went to a fast food restaurant closest to the office and Thea got them a table. She picked up the menu and ordered for herself, Hank ordered the same as hers and she took a sip of water as she waited for her food.

The waitress came with their food and was smiling at Hank. She filled his glass with more water and asked if he wanted anything else. Her question was so suggestive and Thea almost gagged. She didn't know women were allowed to be so at ease with their sexuality and Thea was almost turned on.

"Milkshake?" he answered and jolted Thea out of her thoughts.

"I'll be right back. Enjoy your meal."

Thea looked at Hank's plate and compared it to hers. "How come you have more fries and chicken pieces?"

"I don't know."


Thea also asked for milkshake when the waitress delivered Hank's. She was still lingering at their table and Hank wasn't paying her any attention. Thea kicked him in the shin and he looked at her.

"How's the chicken?" the waitress asked.

Thea noticed she had undone two buttons to get Hank's attention and now he was looking.

"The chicken?"

Men were such fools. "The chicken is fine," Thea answered for him.

The waitress finally left when she got called from the kitchen. Thea watched Hank as his eyes followed the lady until she went into the kitchen.

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