Chapter 32

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Two years later...

Running her dad's company for a little over two years was all Thea mostly did. On some days, she made new friends and ended up in hotel rooms with them. It was a lifestyle that suited her well. She wasn't interested in dating and casual hookups took care of her sexual cravings. The hunks at the bars were always so eager to help with her needs anyway and she allowed them while thinking of one man in particular.

Hank. She hated him. He had used her and taken advantage of her situation. Her fucked up ex-husband had also been too eager to pass his responsibilities to his step brother. She hoped they both ended up in hell.

Thea was bitter. There was no point hiding that fact. She'd asked her lawyers to draft a divorce letter few days after she walked out on Jamal. There wasn't drama involved in getting him to sign except that he was insistent on sharing his networth with her.

She didn't need his money, her dad made him who he was and his life depended literally on the position he held at the firm. Jamal had given too much for it, he had been willing to sacrifice her for it as well. On somedays, she concluded that he was maybe gay. It helped her self confidence a bit but since she left him, she'd not seen him shown interest in any man nor woman for that matter. He was extremely hardworking as usual and he looked more at peace which confirmed that their union was the problem.

Thea blamed her dad for that. He had made something as simple as her telling him about her crush on his handsome worker into a terrible marriage. He shouldn't have used her feelings as a challenge for his overly analytical mind. She had hidden away from him for several months after the divorce but it was a torture. He was the only person she had in her corner and soon, she'd ran back into his welcoming arms crying, accusing him at the top of her lungs but forgiving him nonetheless. He had apologized and she'd accepted. All he did, he did to make her happy. Maybe he took it too far but what parent didn't in their own twisted way?

Thea rolled in the Queen sized bed and hugged one of the many pillows by her side. She should have invited him to stay with her all through the night. She couldn't remember his name for certain but she'd picked him because he reminded her of Hank. It was the muscled arms, also his presence filled the room and that had caught her attention. His bedroom skills though was nothing to write home about but for a second while she was with him, she'd pretended that he was Hank.

Thea sometimes felt like she'd overreacted with the Hank situation. Of course, she wouldn't have left with him but they could have remained cordial. She had tossed her phone in the drawer in the kitchen that night and had cried in the bathroom upstairs as it rang continuously.

Their connection was fated, she knew. From the very first day she kissed him till the morning of that horrible day, she had known that they were meant to be. He was unusual but he was also perfect in the most random way. His temperament told her he'd experienced some kind of trauma and so she'd made a neck piece for him with a healing stone around the pendant. It was a gift she wanted him to cherish forever as they moved to a new place to start life afresh but she'd been unable to give him.

As she toyed with the stone that now permanently rested on her collarbone, she felt nauseous. Any thought about Hank caused that reaction. Thea dragged herself from the bed and went to the bathroom mirror, she stared at her reflection and noted her sad eyes. She had purposely tortured herself last night, she used to go for men that looked nothing like Hank but that wasn't the case the previous night. And here she was several hours later, triggered and traumatized.

The only option was to bury herself in work. She used to want to work with her hands but ever since Hank left, nothing felt the same and she was finding it hard to find pleasure in the most meaningful things. Not in herself, nor her passion. She'd abandoned her workstation and tools and picked up files and briefcases.

Her father had been skeptical when she told him about wanting to join the firm. He knew she had never shown interest in running the family business and so he had her paying visit to wealthy clients and assisting with their charity organizations. He emphasized how important her role was and he sometimes teased her that she was the one really running the firm.

Thea got under the shower then grabbed her dry cleaned gown from the ottoman as she got out. She hurried through her makeup routine and checked out of the hotel before seven. She had a meeting to get to and Jamal was going to be presenting, getting there late was only going to cause more friction. They barely talked as it was and she didn't need him reporting her lateness to her father.

Thea entered the office and went straight to the conference room. Jamal was just starting and she sent a quick smile his way. She listened raptly as ideas were presented and dismissed. By the time the meeting ended, she had a file sitting in front of her.

Thea was to attend dinner at one of their prestigious client's house. He lived so far from the city and the safest option was to take her dad's yacht. She hated the open waters but the matter was apparently beyond her. Everything had been planned to the very T, she even had evening gowns her sizes picked out and waiting in her office.

She fingered the stone on her neck as she often did when overwhelmed and took in a deep breath. Her job was simple, she was to check on the client's welfare and listen if there were complaints. She was good at smoothing things over and it helped her focus on problems that weren't hers. The nerves on her face were going to suffer from smiling too hard all evening but it was all for a good cause.

Thea signed out for the day and went home to pack. She placed a face mask on her face as she quickly made some noodles while simultaneously throwing shoes into her luggage. The beach house granted her the view of the ocean, it was one of her dad's unoccupied buildings and she found it peaceful residing there.

Ava and Zoo couldn't understand why she retreated here while the divorce was ongoing. There were barely any neighbors and the only mall around required a long drive into the village. But she used to come here with her dad when she was younger and so it was home to her. Ultimately, she wasn't in communication with either of them so their opinions were never actually considered. Thea wasn't committed to their friendship but she checked on them periodically for her peace of mind.

When she was filled with noodles, buzzed from downing few glasses of wine and all packed, she called her dad to inform him she was leaving for the meeting. He asked if she was comfortable going for few days and she brushed his concerns off. The dad in him cared for her welfare but she feared that the boss side would be disappointed if she didn't take on her tasks diligently.

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