Tea and Temper Tantrums

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Rey sipped her tea, it was too sweet. Again. Was the new barista ever going to get her order correct? She was far too polite to complain so she forced the sugary liquid down her throat and grimaced. From his position by the café door her unwanted body guard looked at her with distain. Even with his trademark ray bans in place she could clearly see the irritation radiating from his face. She smiled at him and rubbed her stomach. Her lowered his sunglasses and rolled his eyes at her. She puffed out a breath. Why did he have to be so annoying? When her father had told her, he was hiring a bodyguard, she had pictured a retired CIA agent, complete with balding head and donut filled pot belly. The last thing she has imagined was the tall, lean but muscular condescending hunk with jet black shoulder length hair who was currently towering over her while she tried to pretend to enjoy her disgusting tea.

She knew her father was only trying to protect her but honestly, she was trained in every martial art on the planet, why did she need a glorified babysitter watching her every move? Not to mention that this particular babysitter made her insides turn to jelly every time he looked at her. Her father was taking no chances since the news had reached him of the assassination attempt on her cousin, it was no secret that the royal family were out of favour recently, but no one had suspected that things had reached such levels. Luckily her cousin had been under the protection of his own security detail and had survived the attempt, but it now meant that Rey was under 24-hour surveillance from one of the most sullen and intriguing men she had ever met.

'Why must we go through this charade everyday Rey?' Kylo drawled, 'You hate that tea. Its too sweet. Tell her.'

'It's fine, it's not too sweet. It's perfectly acceptable tea.'

Kylo glared down at her, making her feel like a naughty school girl again.

'If you won't fix this I will.' Grabbing the cup from her hand, Kylo strode off in the direction of the counter.

'Kylo! Come back here!' Rey hissed.

It was too late. He had reached the counter and from the look on the face of the poor trainee, it would appear he was in full Kylo Ren temper mode. She had been on the receiving end of this herself. It wasn't pretty, but she found it exciting and a bit of a turn on to fight with Kylo. She enjoyed pushing him to see how long it would be before he snapped. Which usually wasn't long. Pushing herself up from the table with a sigh she placed herself between the tearful teenaged girl and the formidable Kylo.

'I'm so sorry. My friend here was raised by a pack of wild wolves, he doesn't understand the concept of manners yet but he's a hoot when there's a full moon!'

The girl sniffed and gave Rey a half smile. Rey turned to Kylo,

'Let's go.'

Kylo scowled but followed Rey as she left the café grabbing her coat as she stomped for the exit.

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