Dangerous Thoughts...

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That evening as Kylo lay in bed, he tried not to picture Rey in the room next door. He rubbed his hands over his face. What was happening to him? He never got involved with his clients. Never. When he agreed to take the job, it was as a favour for an old friend.

Rey's father was adamant he was the only man he would trust to guard his only daughter. He had pictured a prissy little stuck up princess, expecting the world to fall at her feet. What he got instead was Rey, a beautiful, infectious ball of energy and sunshine. Someone too polite to even return the wrong drink. Someone who always held the door for others and was never too busy to say hello to anyone who approached her. At first it had been nothing more than a pleasant discovery to find she was easy to get along with, it certainly made his job easier, but as his attraction to her grew, so did his anger at himself and he ashamedly began taking that anger out on her and those around them.

He began berating her for every little thing and she took all his lectures with such good humour, even seemingly enjoying the opportunity to spar with him. It made him want to fight with her more. He had always prided himself on being so professional. His rules were simple and finite, keep interaction to a minimum, don't share personal details and above all never engage in any intimate behaviour with a client.

He couldn't lie to himself and say that today's little display hasn't stepped over that boundary. If Luke hadn't interrupted them, he had been about to tell her everything, that he struggled to keep control around her, that from the moment he smelt her perfume in the morning to the sleepy eyed goodnight she gave him at night, he saw nothing but her. The world fell away but she burned like the sun, and he couldn't understand why he was the only one who saw it.

Kylo sat up, no point trying to sleep now. Picking up his phone he returned some texts. His finger hovered over the button that opened the mirroring tech. He wasn't supposed to use it unless Rey was in danger but he could monitor the situation couldn't he? Kylo shook his head. He was in deep anyway, what was one more rule broken? He pressed the button and his phone instantly mirrored Rey's. His eyes widened as he watched text appear on the screen. Despite the late hour Rey was awake and was instant messaging with her best friend.

God Rose, I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about him. Okay I know why because everything from his name to his steely sharp eyes fascinate me. I must know more!

Sooner or later you will have to address the sexy tall dark and handsome elephant in the room, and by sexy tall dark and handsome elephant I mean....

I know what you mean Rose! That isn't helping!

Sorry, do you think he feels the same way about you?

I don't know for sure, but there have been signs that he does.

Where is he right now?

In the bedroom. NEXT DOOR.

OMG, really?

Yes. It's part of his contract he has to remain close to me at all times.

Forever and forever until death do you part!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, sorry. I have to go Finn just fell in the door. I'm assuming he is in need of a black coffee and a scolding.

Ha ha, okay, don't be too hard on him, speak to you later. xx

Kylo turned off the app. She was thinking about him right now and he was thinking about her right now. He looked at the wall that joined their rooms. A thousand thoughts ran through his head. A thousand inappropriate thoughts. Thoughts that a bodyguard should not be having about the princess he had sworn to protect. Kylo lay back down. He was in way over his head, and he wasn't sure he could stop now even if he wanted to.

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