Enemies or Friends?

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Once they returned to the house, buzz kill Kylo was well and truly back in control. He had refused to look at her the rest of the ride home. Rey huffed. She had thought he was finally going to open up to her. No such luck. Finn whistled cheerfully as he exited the car.

'Will you need me again today Rey? Just I was going to go meet Poe down at the bar....'

'Go!' Rey waved him off. 'I give you the afternoon off.'

'Thank Youuuuuuu!' Finn shouted as he jogged down to the gates. Rey looked up at the mansion she called home, white columns hugged the imposing doorframe, the hallway was just as impressive with an extensive staircase and looming crystal chandelier. Rey rolled her eyes. It was all just too showy for her taste. She did enjoy the gardens. She had insisted her father planted wild flowers as far as the eye could see. He hated them. Said they were close cousins with weeds but Rey loved them, she loved that they grew in all conditions and environments. It reminded her that good things could be found anywhere.

Heavy footsteps behind her in the lobby reminded her she was not alone.

'Look I'm in the house so I'm safe right, isn't there somewhere else you need to be right now? Some kittens you need to shout at?'

Kylo rolled his eyes.

'One of these days mister, those eyes won't roll back. Then where will you be?'

Was that a smile? She thought she caught the corner of his mouth edging upwards. Mmm. Intriguing.

'Well I'm going to make a sandwich.'

She started towards the kitchen and heard the footsteps follow.

'Argh! No! Just stay here.'

'With all due respect Rey, I don't work for you. I work for your father and he pays me to make sure you are safe at all times. Not just went you are drinking disgusting tea in coffee shops but all the time.'

'All the time huh? What about when I'm in the shower?'

What on Earth had possessed her to say that?! She felt her face start to flush.

Kylo's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard,

'Then I make an exception but I do remain close by.'

Well that comment was loaded with promise. Rey fought the urge to bite her lip. Bloody hell this guy was something else. She entered the kitchen with her shadow in tow. She switched on the radio and let out a little squeal when one of her favourite songs came on. She started dancing around the kitchen as she collected the ingredients for her sandwich. Kylo stood in the doorway, with an expressionless look on his face but his eyes followed her around the room.

'Kylo lighten up would you? The doom and gloom act is getting boring. Why don't you have a little dance with me?'

Rey shimmied towards the fridge. Ahah! Definite smile that time!

'Got ya! Knew you could smile. Did that hurt?'

Kylo cleared his throat,

'I am capable of smiling I just choose not to.'

'Dear God Kylo, you aren't dead yet. Stop being such a grumpy Gus.'

'I would argue that perhaps you could do with adopting a more serious approach. It might save your life one day.'

'Isn't that what you're here for?' Rey said looking straight at Kylo.

'Of course, but a little bit of self control never did anybody any harm.'

'I don't need self-control. I have something better. I have Kylo control. Able to make minimum wage workers cry with a single look. My hero.'

She came towards him with her plate, but he blocked her path.

'Rey, you deserved better than the service they were providing you, I can't just ignore it when people are disrespecting you. It makes me so....'

Kyle stopped suddenly and Rey starred at him intently. Suddenly she realised, all the angry outbursts, all the lectures she had to endure, the countless times he had berated her for not following orders. It was all because he cared about her. He cared too much about her. More than he should. They looked at each other. Rey placed a hand on his chest. Kylo didn't respond but he didn't move away either. Heat flooded Rey's body. Finally Kylo broke the silence,

'Rey I.....'

'Where's my little princess then?' Her uncles voice echoed through the mansion. Kylo stepped away from her, and the wall was firmly back in place. Way to go uncle Luke. Rey thought to herself.

'In the kitchen.' Rey called out. Her uncle appeared in the doorway and Kylo moved to allow him to enter.

'Well then, how are you two getting along? Much better I hope?'

Kylo was motionless.

'Much better Uncle, we'll be braiding each other's hair and having pillow fights before you know it.'

Luke chuckled heartily,

'Oh Rey, such a sense of humour. I'm sure Kylo can't get enough of you!'

She knew her uncle meant the comment sarcastically and she laughed as he expected her too, but the meaningful look Kylo gave her as she glanced at him made her suspect there was more truth to her uncle's words than he ever could have imagined.

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