Who are you Kylo Ren?

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The moment they were outside, Rey laid into Kylo,

'Kylo! I've had it with your attitude problem!'

'I have an attitude problem? When you can't even tell the waitress you hate your tea? How do you expect to run a country one day?'

Rey's mouth fell open but she composed herself when she noticed all the eyes watching them.

'Let's discuss this when we get back to the house.'

She said quietly lifting an eyebrow. Kylo nodded slightly. He held open the door to the black sedan and handed Rey her coat. She watched Kylo stalk around the vehicle and slide into the passenger seat. He had some trouble squeezing his long legs into the available space and despite her anger, Rey smirked.

'Let's go Finn.' She said to the driver knowing full well those were going to be the next words out of Kylo's mouth. He glanced back at her and shook his head slightly. She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Honestly he wasn't that much older that her, why did he have to act like there was a permanent stick up his ass? He needed to lighten up a bit. She was dying to know about his mysterious past. He never told her anything about himself so she was completely in the dark as to why he was the way he was. She knew he had been training to be in the armed forces until there was some sort of incident and now he worked private security gigs and she knew he was the best. She had seen his references from previous clients but there was something so cold and clinical about the praise bestowed upon him in the lengthy commendations. Rey could tell he had no personal connection with any of his clients and she thought it sad that he remained so distant from everyone he worked with. What was the fun of watching the world from behind a sheet of glass?

She studied The back of Kylo's head. She spent so many hours staring at the back of his head. He never sat in the back with her and he rarely turned around. As if he could feel her eyes on him, he turned his head and frowned slightly at her. Rey diverted her eyes and inspected the roof of the car, feigning an innocent expression.

'Rey, do you want something?'

'Other than the ability to get through one day without you starting world war three? No nothing.'

Kylo sighed,

'I was trying to be helpful.....'

'By making a little girl cry?'

Finn snorted,

'You made a little girl cry?'

Kylo rolled his eyes. It was one of his favourite moves,

'She wasn't a little girl and she really will not learn unless someone corrects her....'

'Kylo! She doesn't want to be a barista all her life. Who cares if she never learns how to make a good cup of tea?'

'Ahah! So you admit it wasn't a good cup of tea?'

Rey lay back in her seat and covered her eyes with her hands,

'Oh brother.'

She heard Kylo clear his throat,

'Rey, can I just apologise for what I said back there? It was unprofessional and uncalled for and for what it's worth I actually think you would be a very empathetic and..... understanding ruler. Should the time ever come for you to take the throne.'

Rey put her hands down and blinked in disbelief, Kylo had his eyes firmly on the road again and Finn wisely remained silent.

'Thank You Kylo. Apology accepted.' She said gently.

Then something happened that had never happened before, Kylo turned and fixed his eyes on hers and smiled shyly at her. It only lasted for a moment, but Rey thought her heart might beat out of her chest. How can a man who infuriated her so much make her heart melt with one look? How could a trained killer give her the sheepish smile of a teenaged boy? Who are you Kylo Ren? She thought as she tried to control her hammering heart.

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