Indecent Proposal

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Kylo woke sometime around noon, reaching out across the bed he was disappointed to find that Rey wasn't there but then how would they have explained why they had been hauled up in his bedroom together all day if she were? He picked up his phone.

I'm awake. You said you needed to speak to me?

The reply came back instantly.

Yes. Don't move. I'm coming. x

Rey let herself into his room and skipped across the floor, jumping onto the edge of the bed.

'Hi sleeping beauty. I hope you had sweet dreams about me.'

Kylo stretched, 'I did.'

'Interesting. I hate to ruin your day, but you do know Hux is flouncing around calling himself the primary?'

Kylo rolled his eyes, 'It did occur to me that he would try to take advantage of the situation.'

'Speaking of which I have a little story for you.'

Rey relayed the conversation that she had shared with Hux that morning. Kylo chuckled when she finished,

'Well that should keep him quiet for a while. Thank you....for doing that.... for me.'

Rey smiled shyly, 'You're welcome. You know I'd do anything for you.'

'I'm not sure I deserve you Rey.'

'No one deserves me I'm super awesome.'

'And so modest.'

'I've been told it's my best trait.'

Kylo smirked, then his face darkened,

'You know Hux will be watching us more closely now.'

'I know, I never would have let myself in here if I wasn't sure he was out on patrol. It is going to make things more difficult for us. Well that and you know the little matter of whoever wants me dead.'

'Speaking of which, I need to tell you, I got nothing from the men. They don't know who hired them and the money they received is untraceable. Cash. Nothing distinguishable about it. So we're no further forward, and the real culprit is still out there. I'm sorry Rey. I feel like I've let you down.'

'No you haven't! You saved my life! That's not what I would categorise as letting me down. You're my hero.' She said leaning forward to gently kiss him on the lips. Then she glanced at her watch and pouted,

'Hux will be back soon, I gotta go. See you downstairs when your dressed?'

Kylo nodded.

As he dressed, Kylo's thoughts inevitably turned to Rey, now both his lover and his client. She had become his whole world in a matter of months. As he buttoned up his shirt he remembered her fingers trailing down his chest. He rubbed his lips together. This wasn't going to be easy. His job required him to watch Rey 24/7, but how could he do that and keep his hands to himself? He ran a hand through his hair. He was going to have to learn as he went because it was time to get back to work.

Rey was humming happily as she descended the stairs when she came face to face with Hux waiting at the bottom. Urgh. There went her happy buzz. She braced herself,

'Hi Hux, is everything okay?'

'Ship shape. I'm just waiting for Kylo to give him my report.'

'Oh, is he up?'

'Yes, I believe he is.'

From the look on his face she suspected he still wasn't buying her 'we're just friends' story. She smiled as she passed him.


Rey bit her lip, but set her expression to a sweet smile as she turned to once again face Hux, 'Yes?'

'Just to let you know I'm available to sleep in your room any night.'

Rey resisted the urgh to slap the smug out of him,

'Thank You Hux I will keep that in mind.'

She walked away but could feel his eyes on her back. Nope. He wasn't letting them off the hook that easily.

In the kitchen fixing herself a snack, Rey kept her ears pinned for Kylo. She heard his heavy strides on the staircase and his deep tone as he addressed Hux. She couldn't make out what they were saying but she didn't want to see Hux again so she stayed where she was. She heard Hux say his goodbyes and the front door closed. She held her breath as she heard Kylo's footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

Okay, calm down Rey. You aren't a school girl with a crush......Oh my god, here he comes.

Rey busied herself pouring juice as Kylo came up behind her placing his hands on her hips and kissing her neck gently.

'Hi,' He said.

'Hi,' She said shakily. Even that small amount of contact was enough to send a pulse through her body and put her mind into overdrive.

'Shouldn't you be careful?' She asked.

'I should. It's just to see you everyday and not touch you? This is going to be torture.'

'Speaking of torture, could you move your hands?'

'Sure.' Kylo moved his hands from her hips up to her breasts. Rey gasped and swatted his hands away.

'Kylo!' She glanced at the window worriedly.

'Don't worry I sent him on an errand. Should take all day.'

'Good, I need a little Hux break.'

'He getting under your skin?'

'He told me he would be happy to sleep in my room anytime.'

Kylo's face turned dark, 'you should have told me that earlier.'


'I would have made him apologise for his insolence. Hopefully he would have refused so I could have used some gentle persuasion, like breaking his nose.'

Rey giggled then forced her Dave into a stern expression, 'Kylo, we don't want any trouble do we? Not when we're trying to hid in plain sight like this.'

'I know. I just hate him being around you. I don't know why he was assigned to my detail. Everyone knows we rub each other up the wrong way.'

'Just as long as that's all he's rubbing.' Rey muttered.

'Hey,' kylo placed a finger under her chin and tipped her head up towards his. 'I'm here to protect you, that includes protecting you from smarmy little bastards who think they can make inappropriate comments that make you uncomfortable. I think I will have a little talk with Hux later.'

'Just a talk?'

'I can't promise anything.' Kylo said as he kissed her forehead.

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