How do you solve a problem like Hux

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As she had predicted as she entered the kitchen Hux was waiting for her, smiling smugly as he took a sip from his coffee mug.

'Seems I am the primary today as our fearless leader is....indisposed.'

Rey gritted her teeth and forced herself to smile,

'Yes it would appear so. Kylo is exhausted from the nights events.'

'I'm sure he is.' Hux agreed with a loaded look. Okay so they were starting early then. He continued, 'I'm so sorry I couldn't be there in your time of need, I was off duty and I was so tired I doubt a nuclear explosion could have woke me!'

Yeah right. Rey thought to herself.

'It was fine. Kylo took care of everything. He was, magnificent actually.'

'Mmm, perhaps in more ways than one.' Hux said as he placed his cup in the sink.

Rey gave him an innocent look, 'I don't know what you could mean,' then feigned enlightenment, 'Oh! You mean because Kylo slept in my room last night.'

Hux looked taken back. A full on confession was obviously the last thing he had been expecting.

'Welll yes, I mean.....I didn't want to presume....i.....'

Rey enjoyed his discomfort as he stumbled over his words for a few minutes then continued,

'Do you really think a man with Kylo's experience and sharp wits didn't know an attack was possible last night? He explained everything to me and we agreed together that it would be best if he slept in my room. On the floor of course, and thank heaven he did or lord knows what would have happened!'

'I see.' Hux rubbed his tongue on the roof of his mouth. 'Yes it was very...fortuitous.'

He examined her for a few moments and Rey busied herself making breakfast, careful to keep her expression neutral.

'Is there anything else I can help you with?' She asked smiling sweetly.

'No, I better go. I have perimeter checks to perform.' He said looking defeated.

'Okay.' She said and saluted.

As she walked from the room she pressed her lips together to keep from laughing oh she couldn't wait to tell Kylo about this little exchange later!

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