Unlikely Allies

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Chapter Text
Kylo had hated writing those words. Every fibre of his being had fought against it but what choice did he have now? He had to keep Rey far away from Snoke. Even the thought of Snoke's name had Kylo clenching his fists and jaw. He had underestimated that bastard and now he was paying the price. He thought back to the conversation they had had a few days earlier.

Snoke had called him to a private meeting late at night. Kylo hadn't thought anything of it. His boss often liked someone to brag to over a brandy, usually Kylo managed to retire early and leave that honour to one of the nightshift staff. That day, he hadn't been so lucky. He should have been better prepared, he knew better than to let his guard down. His mind had been so preoccupied with Rey and the elation of hearing from her again, that he hadn't been focusing on his charge.

Entering the large study, Kylo took a seat in the plush leather chair in front of Snoke's desk. Snoke smiled at him and drummed his nails on the desk.

'How are you Kylo?' He asked with false concern.

'Fine. Can't complain.' Kylo replied.

'How are you fitting in here? I have to say I think this arrangement will work out well for both of us, in fact I want to offer you an opportunity. Come work with me. Permanently.'

'Thank you for the offer, but I'm happy where I am.' Work for Snoke? The thought made his skin crawl.

Snoke's smile dropped, 'Perhaps you don't understand what I'm offering you. I can give you anything you want, money, power, women, anything.'

'I do understand, I'm just not interested.' Kylo made to leave before he lost his temper.

'Oh well, perhaps I was wrong about you. I thought you were a man of action. Maybe that's not who you are....anymore?'

As Kylo reached for the door, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he knew that Snoke had something on him. He turned back to face him.

'Cut the bullshit and say what it is you want to say.' He said. His eyes dark and fierce.

'Fine. I know what you did and I know you are hiding from the law. You will come and work for me or I will have you locked up for a very long time.'

Kylo gritted his teeth, 'What is it you want me to do for you?'

Snoke inspected his finger nails, 'Maybe there are some people I want to get rid of, maybe I ask you to do that. Shouldn't be too much bother for a man with your past.'

'You want me to kill for you?' Kylo seethed.

'That's an ugly word Kylo, I would never ask you to kill anyone. I might ask you to dispose of someone for me. That doesn't sound too hard does it?'

Kylo growled.

'Easy Kylo, remember I hold your choke chain now. Answer my question. It doesn't sound too hard does it?

'No.' Kylo muttered.

'No what?' Snoke said.

'No, Sir.' Kylo said clearly.

'Good boy.' Snoke said with a smirk. 'You can go.'

Kylo left the office and resisted the urge to punch the wall. He was so close. So close to being happy. So close to getting everything he had ever wanted. Oh god, Rey. He had to keep her away. Surely Snoke didn't know about her yet or he would have tried to use her as pawn in his sick little game. With an aching heart he resolved to break things off with her as soon as he received her next letter. He just hoped it would be enough. Rey was stubborn. She might decide to come after him. That's when he decided he would also have to threaten Hux and hope the fear would keep him under control. He told himself it wouldn't be forever just until he could figure out how to get out of the mess he had found himself in.

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