Shattered Secrets

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Kylo's heart stopped when he took the call from his team. Returning from a meeting off site, as soon as he heard the news. he drove like a madman to get back to the house. Sliding the car into the driveway he sprinted for the door and bolted up the stairs.

His men were picking the room to pieces looking for clues, there was rubble everywhere and the wall of the bedroom was almost completely destroyed. Kylo fought to stay standing, Rey was gone and they had no idea where she was. They had no idea if she was even still alive. No. She was alive. He felt it in his bones. If she were dead. He would know.

'Sir, we found her phone.' One of his men held up a plastic bag with Rey's mobile inside. 'But we don't have the code.'

Kylo unzipped the bag and unlocked the phone. He looked at the last text she had received.

'I want this number traced. Now.' He ordered.

'Yes Sir.' The man took the phone and left the room.

Kylo walked through the room, rose petals were scattered amongst the rubble. He swallowed hard. There was a lump forming in his throat, a lump he suspected would remain until he had Rey in his arms again. Kylo crouched and rubbed a rose petal between his fingers.

'I will get you back Rey.' He vowed.

Rey tried to open her eyes, darkness surrounded her. She blinked a few times but the darkness remained. She realised she had been blindfolded. She was also sitting up, she assumed on a chair. Her hands were bound behind her back and her ankles were also tied. Rey's heart sped up. Where was she? Was she still in the house? She assumed from the smell that she wasn't. There was a musty stench that she didn't recognise. She twisted her wrists and ankles, testing her restraints for weaknesses but to no avail. She thought about calling out. Her heart was screaming for Kylo, but she suspected it would make little difference.

'You're awake.' A voice in the darkness announced.

Rey gritted her teeth. Kylo would come for her. She was sure of it.

'Yes. Awake, and in desperate need of answers.'

'Afraid you won't get any from me luvvie, have to wait for the boss.'

She heard footsteps coming closer to her, then breath in her ear and the smell of cheap larger.

'You're lucky my orders are to leave you alone. I could have had fun with you.'

'Untie me and you'll see how much fun I can be.'

The man laughed. 'Ha ha ha, the boss told me you had spunk. He also told me you had training and I was not to untie you.'

'Do you always do what you're told?' Rey mocked.

'When it involves a hell of a lot of money, yes I do.'

'Whatever this guy is paying you, my family will double it.'

The man laughed harder, 'let's just wait for the boss shall we?'

They sat in silence for a while until Rey heard footsteps descending what she could only assume was a set of stairs. The men spoke in low tones so she couldn't make out their words. Then someone came towards her and her blindfold was removed.

'Hello dear.' Rey's Uncle Luke smiled down at her.

Relief flooded Rey's body, 'Uncle Luke! You found me! You've come to make a deal for my freedom?'

The man behind her laughed, 'fraid not, this is my boss, Princess.' He moved to her ear, 'Told you your world was about to fall apart.' He sneered.

'Sir we have a lead.'

Kylo stood up instantly, poised to leave.

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